Nova Scotia Archives

Mi'kmaq Holdings Resource Guide

Letter from Howe to J.S. Morris regarding the laying off of 500 acres for Francis and Jasper Paul on land on which they have made improvements at the head of Ship Harbour Lake. Also directs Morris to tell his deputies to warn trespassers off Mi'kmaq lands. Dated Halifax.
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Provincial Secretary's Office
May 9, 1848


I have it in command from His
Excellency the Lieutenant Governor to request
that you will direct [Mr Keuk?] ti lay off 500
acres of [?] to [?] the improvements made
by Frances and Joseph Paul, at the head of
the Ship Harbour Lake, dividing it into 100
acre lots, and assigning to each respectively
100 acres. The [?] to be Reserved and
[?] granted.
Will you also direct your Deputies
generally to warn off trespassers on the Indian
Reserves, and to report to you their names
with such information touching their encroachments
as may be necessary for the guidance of the
[?] Officers of the [?].

I have the honor to be
Your Obedient Servant
Joseph Howe

John [S?] Morris, Esq.

Date: 1849

Retrieval no.: Commissioner of Public Records — Mi'kmaq and Government Relations series Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 430 number 195

Nova Scotia Archives —

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