Nova Scotia Archives

Mi'kmaq Holdings Resource Guide

Letter from Sigogne to John Cope Sherbrooke regarding Muis-Belcher Treaty, Maillard, the Mi'kmaq "Peace-Dance and ceremony of burying of war weapons"
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To His Excellency
Sir John C Sherbrooke }

Clare May the 9th, 1812

Please your Excellency

Agreeable to your wish I send a Copy of the Treaty of Peace with the Indians. I cannot send the original, which is dirty, somewhat damaged and worn out on the edges of the folds, even a leaf of it, has been torn asunder, likely on purpose; notwithstanding every word can be easily read.

I will take the Liberty to relate about this Treaty an anecdote not much known, which I have from an Acadian eye-witness, friend to Mr Maillard, who signed the Treaty & seems to have written the name of the Indian chief and been interpreter between the Parties. This Mr. Maillard was much respected. This anecdote will show what was the general opinion of the Indians. At the conclusion of the Treaty, according to their custom the Indians had their Peace Dance and Ceremony of burying war-weapons. The Priest was present with some Acadians and

Date: 1812

Retrieval no.: Commissioner of Public Records — Mi'kmaq and Government Relations series Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 430 number 21

Nova Scotia Archives —

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