Nova Scotia Archives

Mi'kmaq Holdings Resource Guide

Letter from P. Wiswall to Rupert George reporting on the purchase of supplies for the Bear River community in the spring and that the remaining funds may be used to purchase items of common convenience in the fall. Notes that he and Abbe Sigogne will dedicate the new chapel on the reserve.
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time he will dedicate their New Chapel. The visiting indians as well as the settled ones are very proud of this building, and I purpose through [their own efforts -underlined] to get it finished on the inside_ The [ provincial?] £100 and the small amount of private subscriptions intrusted to my care will cover the expense of finishing the [exterior?]_

I feel as grateful as any of these poor people can towards Sir Peregrine Maitland for his kind disposition to [?forward] their general settlement and civilization_ as soon as I have gathered the proper information I will forward it to You_

I hope this will find You fully restored to health_ Pardon the roughness of my paper & stationary better being at this time accidentally out of my reach_
I have the Honor to be
with much respect
Yr Ob H. Servt.
P. Wiswall

Sir Rupert D. George Bart.

Date: 1831

Retrieval no.: Commissioner of Public Records — Mi'kmaq and Government Relations series Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 430 number 180

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