Nova Scotia Archives

Mi'kmaq Holdings Resource Guide

Letter from P. Wiswall to Rupert George reporting on the purchase of supplies for the Bear River community in the spring and that the remaining funds may be used to purchase items of common convenience in the fall. Notes that he and Abbe Sigogne will dedicate the new chapel on the reserve.
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Digby. 9th.Aug.1831.
Dear Sir
Agreably to your permission, I have [ drawn?] on you at this date for £20 in [?favr.] of [Messrs?] Stewart & Budd on acct. of the Bear River Indians_ The supplies as p[e]r inclosed memorandum were furnished to them in the Spring and proved sufficient to bring them comfortably forward_ The whole sum was not [expended?], but £5.3.0 yet remains, and may serve to purchase a few articles of general convenience, such as grind-stones, or the like in the autumn-

Thus far, this Settlement has succeeded beyond my expectations. The members of it have ceased to be troublesome[ beggars?] They have all been healthy- Their improvements advance and their crops of growing potatoes and grain are sufficiently promising to ground a hope of their being independantly comfortable for the coming year_

The Revd. Father Segogne will go with me next week to visit the settlement, and at the same

Date: 1831

Retrieval no.: Commissioner of Public Records — Mi'kmaq and Government Relations series Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 430 number 180

Nova Scotia Archives —

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