Nova Scotia Archives

Mi'kmaq Holdings Resource Guide

Letter from G. Murray to Lt. Gov. P. Maitland regarding previous corrspondence regarding Peter Paul, a Mi'kmaq man convicted of murder, enclosing "His Majesty's pardon" for Mr. Paul on condition that Paul serves two years. Also includes a copy of a letter from Phillips to B.W. Hay advising that Robert Peel has recommended to the King that Paul's sentence be commuted to two years but nothing that if the Lt. Gov. feels the sentence should be even shorter, in the interests of justice, then he may shorten it. "Whitehall 19 Augt. 1830."
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170 1/2
19 Aug 1830

Downing Street
28th August 1830

Sir, Having referred to the consideration of Secretary Sir Robert Peel your dispatch of the 1st June last, relative to the case of Peter Paul an Indian convicted of Murder in Nova Scotia. I have now the honour to transmit to you the copy of a letter from W. Phillips in closing this Majesty's Pardon on condition that the Prisoner be imprisoned for the Term of two years [unless] you should feel yourself justified in proposing a further communication of his sentence.

I have the honour to be Sir your most obedient servant.
G. Murray

Lt. General
Sir Peregrine Maitland HCB
&c &c &c

Date: 1830

Retrieval no.: Commissioner of Public Records — Mi'kmaq and Government Relations series Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 430 number 170 1/2

Nova Scotia Archives —

Crown copyright © 2024, Province of Nova Scotia.