Nova Scotia Archives

Mi'kmaq Holdings Resource Guide

Poor negative copy of what appears to be a letter regarding the petition of Groade and Davis in RG 1 vol. 420 no. 162a partially covered by a copy of the backer for the same. Seems to be a request for ungranted land. Mentions Queens County, Liverpool, and burial grounds.
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Petition of [Moltie] [Grode] &
Alexr. Davis, Indians,
[illegible] to the Hon[ora]ble Sir
[Surveyor] [General]
[illegible] [?command]
[illegible] is as [?George]
[14th] March 1827.

the Land applied for has never been Granted or appropriated [?so] I beg
leave to state for his Excellencys information that some years ago -
similar petitions were presented by these Indians, for Land, at the [place]
here described, but on the representation of [some] of the [?Majestrys] [illegible] of
Queens County. stateing [stating] that if the Indians [were] allowed this [exclusive]
monopoly of the Land, on [each] [?side] the River at the entrance of the
Liverpool (alias Grand [Rosignol]) Lake. __ they would [exclude] [some]
spirited adventurers from Erecting Mills on that Stream which was
[peculiarly] adapted for that purpose __ and in consequence of [this].
[As] [preventative] [made] to the best of my remembrance [by] [me] [for] [illegible]
& Parker _ the [illegible - crossed out] Indians [were] informed _ they [would] be protected
in the peaceful occupancy of the [Land] which they had cultivated
and improved, and that [care] [would] be [taken] [in] any future [Survey]
authorized by Government [~] that [these] Land [would] not be [?disturbed] [except]
in as much as might be deemed expedient to [?Secure] to Government such
Mill Seals, as might be found thereon. ___ should His Excellency [be]
[disposed] to Grant the Prayer of these Petitioners, _ to [secure] to them. 50 acres
each including their Burial Ground preparatory to [any] Grant or licence [license]
[he] may be pleased to direct _ a Reservation of one or two acres
for each Mill Seat _ without injury to the Poor Indians [illegible - crossed out]
or check the enterpriseing [enterprising] Spirit of the Inhabitants of Queens County _
_ might be [made]. _
Charles Morris
S. Gen[era]l
14. March 1827

Retrieval no.: Commissioner of Public Records — Mi'kmaq and Government Relations series Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 430 number 162b

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