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148 1/3
His Excellency Sir John Cope Sherbrook, K.B. Lieutenant Governor & Commander in Chief of the Province of Nova Scotia , & its dependencies[illegible] The Petition of Daniel Toney an Indian, in behalf of himself and seventeen Families of the Micmac Tribe Humbly sheweth That Your Excellency 's Petitioners are desirous of forming a settlement for themselves and their growing families; being for the most part deprived of the benefits formerly accrued from hunting from the vast numbers of Moose Dear and other wild animals which have been Destroyed by the English Settlers of late years- That there is a Tract of land bordering on the sea-shore in the mouth of The Gut of Annapolis, that it appears , is ungranted and not settled and as the situation is favourable for fishing , and shooting seals and Porpoises, with which the Bay of Fundy, at
Mentions many Mi'kmaq names.
Retrieval no.: Commissioner of Public Records — Mi'kmaq and Government Relations series Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 430 number 148 1/3
Nova Scotia Archives —
Crown copyright © 2024, Province of Nova Scotia.