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(146 ½
To Sir George Prevost Bart Lutanant [Liuetenant] Governor and
Commander in Chief in and over his Majesties Province of Nova
Scotia and its Dependences &c &c &c
The Petition of [?Lewis R Levis] [?Antona] and Others
Humbly Sheweth
That there is a Number of us Native Indians residing
near Halifax Several of them aged Widows and others who are
Left with Famalies [Families] of Small Children , who are Unable to provide them
selves with nessary [necessary] Cloathing suffient [sufficient] to guard against the Inclemency
of the Approaching Season, And that Your Petitioner with others
have been wating [waiting] to know the Kings pleasure respecting them, and have
been under the necessaty of Contributing out of their little Earnings
toard [toward] the Support of Said Widows and Childrens which has Unabled
your Petitioners to Provide Necessaries Sufficent to Enable them to
Return to Winter Quarters -Your Petitioners therefore Humbly
Pray that your Excellency will be Pleased to [thake?] their Distressed
Situation , into consideration and to afford such Little Reliefs
of Blankets Cloathing Ammunition [?&c] as your Excellency may
in your Goodness See [Meet?] to [bestow?]-
and your Petitioner and they as in Duty bound will Ever Pray
Dartmouth Octbr 22nd 1808
Lewis his X mark Antonea
Date: 1808
Retrieval no.: Commissioner of Public Records — Mi'kmaq and Government Relations series Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 430 number 146 1/2
Nova Scotia Archives —
Crown copyright © 2024, Province of Nova Scotia.