note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions
Ramsheg 4th Feby. 1803
Charles Morris and Michael Wallace Esqrs
Gentlemen The
bearer Lewis Tony, hath made many applications
to me, with two other Heads of family's for some
Releif [Relief]: _ but not having any direction lately for
that purpose from the Commissioners ; I have but
Let them have to a small ammount [amount]; merely
to Keep them from [Starving? - underlined] _ Their Distress
is truly great:_ The measles have raged amongst
them; one or two [have - crossed out] have died- The scarcity
of game utterly renders them unable to subsist,
but by the Generosity of the Inhabitants
Lewy Tony the bearer whose wife at
this time is Extremly sick, hath a family of
seven Children, most of them unable to help themselves;
I believe the Father hath done his endeavour
for their support, but found it impossible
Tony Tony a very old man whose
wife hath been blind this some Months and
is entirely helpless; They have a week or two ago
lost their cheif support in a daughter their only
Child who was carried off by the Measels-
The old man hath been very Industrious
and reported honest and I believe hath never had
any support from Government, If there be any
Releif for those poor distressed Creatures he merits
Mentions names and conditions several Mi'kmaq.
Date: 1803
Retrieval no.: Commissioner of Public Records — Mi'kmaq and Government Relations series Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 430 number 127
Nova Scotia Archives —
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