Nova Scotia Archives

Archibald MacMechan

Halifax Disaster Record Office Materials

Personal narrative - Rev. K. C. MacLennan

5 pages : 30 x 39 cm.

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note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

MG 1 VOL 2124 number 202B



Saw men off train going towards the city and inquiring the way. One man carrying a suitcase. "Sobbing and crying something awful", Young man came running down hill and asked him to give help at Grove School as the children could not get out. (Note. McLennan must have been on the scene, about fifteen minutes after the explosion.) Went to Grove School to help. Entered building. Stairs standing but dislocated. Walked and crept through. Found no children, dead or alive, in the building. The janitor was stretched outside, dead. Left the building and sent down the hill. Found man, woman and boy about twelve years of age. Has seen latter since in hospital. Man practically nude. House nearby catching fire. Boy had both legs broken. Put them on sloven flat-wagon.) Put woman in tip-cart 2 wheels (jump cart and pulled it away from the flames, but was unable to pull "sloven" until men came and helped. Meantime, he got doors and stood them up, so as to keep the heat away from the injured persons, until help arrived.
Went to next building and saw little girl about eight or nine lying in debris "crumpled up" as if dead. Looked at her, thought that nothing could be done, and went into next house, which had partially collapsed. A Teddy-bear in the hall, Came back, turned child over and saw her eyelids quiver. Got clothes and wrapped her up. Said "how is the little girl?" She replied "Make me warm, make me warm." she was shivering. Catholic priest came along, an elderly man, pretty heavy, and asked "Are you a Catholic, little girl?" wishing to identify her. After some words, he went away. McLennan left the little girl where she was as he had no means of removing her. Very few people were helping at this time. Most were injured. or bewildered or taken up

Reference: Archibald MacMechan Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 volume 2124 number 202

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