Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: United Empire loyalists
A memorial to the E. Country Harbour - Stormont United Empire Loyalists 1815:20:00. 13 pages : 22 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.308 #12 - Vertical File
United Empire loyalists — Nova Scotia — Guysborough (County)
Guysborough (N.S. : County) — History
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A review of British diplomacy and its fruits : the dream of the United Empire Loyalists of 1776 / by Robt. Grant Haliburton. London : S. Low, Marston, Low and Searle, 1872. 31 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F76 H13
From the St. James' Magazine and United Empire Review. Includes articles from The Times and The Daily Telegraph. 'This England never did, nor never shall, Lie at the proud foot of a conqueror ...'
United Empire loyalists
Great Britain — Colonies
Canada — Politics and government — 1867-1896
Great Britain — Foreign relations
Canada — Commerce.
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Address on the Loyalists read before the members of the New Brunswick Historical Society in the city of St. John, N.B 40 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F36 AD2
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Alexander Clark, loyalist; a contribution to the history of New Brunswick Kentville, Printed by the Kentville publishing company, ltd., 1940. 81 pages : 25 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.379 #1 - Vertical File
United Empire loyalists — New Brunswick
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American loyalist claims / abstracted from the Public Record Office, Audit Office series 13, bundles <1-35 & 37> by Peter Wilson Coldham ; editor, Sally Lou (Mick) Haigh. 1st ed. Washington, D.C. : National Genealogical Society, 1980-. 24 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - E277 C688
Includes index.
Great Britain. Public Record Office. Audit Office.
American loyalists
United Empire loyalists
United States — History — Revolution, 1775-1783 — Claims
Canada — Genealogy
United States — Genealogy.
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As she began : an illustrated introduction to Loyalist Ontario / by Bruce Wilson. Toronto : Dundurn Press, 1981. 125 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5471 L69 W746 - Open Shelf
United Empire loyalists — History
Canada — History — 1763-1791.
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Bits of Cambridge history / Samuel Francis Batchelder. Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1930. 349 pages ; ills., portraits ; 22 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F74 C1 B33
United Empire loyalists — Nova Scotia
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Buckskin pimpernel : the exploits of Justus Sherwood, Loyalist spy / by Mary Beacock Fryer. Toronto : Dundurn Press, 1981. 288 pages : maps, port. ; 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - E278 S53 F948
Includes index.
American loyalists — Vermont — Biography
United Empire loyalists — Biography
United States — History — Revolution, 1775-1783 — Biography
Canada — History — 1763-1791 — Biography.
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Calendars of treasury 77/20 and treasury 77/21 / W. Bruce Antliff. Kingston, Ont. : W. Bruce Antliff, 2003. ix, 80 pages : 22 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.539 #8 - Vertical File
Addendum inside front cover.
United Empire Loyalists — Indexes
United States — History — Claims. — Revolution, 1775-1783
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Carleton's Loyalist index a select index to the names of Loyalists and their associates contained in the British headquarters papers, New York City, 1774-1783 (the Carleton Papers) Ottawa : Sir Guy Carleton Branch, United Empire Loyalists' Association of Canada, 1998. 1 computer optical disc ; 4 3/4 in.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - E277 C37 1998
Author: John E. Ruch; editor: Elizabeth E. Kipages Database of 54,568 records.
Kipp, Elizabeth E., 1945-
Ruch, John E., 1929-
United Empire Loyalists' Association of Canada. Sir Guy Carleton Branch.
United Empire loyalists — Biography — Dictionaries — Software
United Empire loyalists — Genealogy — Indexes — Software
United Empire loyalists — Indexes — Software.
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Dunham-Singletary genealogy : descendants of Richard Singletary of Salem, Newbury, and Haverhill, Massachusetts and Deacon John Dunham of Plymouth, Massachusetts, with particular emphasis on the life of David Elson Dunham, architect of New Brunswick, Cana / by Kenneth Royal Dunham. Rochester : Royal Press, 1987. 207 pages : illustrations, maps, portraits ; 24 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - CS90 D845 1987 - Open Shelf
United Empire loyalists — Genealogy
New Brunswick — Genealogy.
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Early Loyalist Saint John : the origin of New Brunswick politics, 1783-1786 / D.G. Bell. Fredericton, N.B. : New Ireland Press, 1983. x, 261 pages : illustrations, 1 map
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5299 S143 B433 - Open Shelf
United Empire loyalists — New Brunswick
Saint John (N.B.) — History
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Early marriage records of New Brunswick : Saint John City and County from the British conquest to 1839 / introductory note and edited by B. Wood-Holt. St. John, N.B. : Holland House, 1986. viii, 359 pages, [1] leaf of plates : ill ; 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - CS83 M359 N532 - Open Shelf
Includes index.
United Empire loyalists — Genealogy
Marriage records — New Brunswick
New Brunswick — Genealogy.
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Eleven exiles : accounts of Loyalists of the American Revolution / edited by Phyllis R. Blakeley and John N. Grant. Toronto : Dundurn Press, 1982. 336 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5069.1 E39 - Open Shelf
Blakeley, Phyllis R. (Phyllis Ruth), 1922-
Grant, John N.
United Empire loyalists — Biography
American loyalists — Biography
American loyalists — Canada — Biography
United States — History — Revolution, 1775-1783 — Biography.
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Flight from the Republic : the Tories of the American Revolution [1st ed.] Indianapolis : Bobbs-Merrill, 1967. xiii, 208 pages : illustrations, portraits ; 24 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5069.1 C15 - Open Shelf
American loyalists
United Empire loyalists
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Francis Green : a suffering Loyalist and friend to the British
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5200 N93 H6 v.9 - Open Shelf
In Nova Scotia historical quarterly Volume 9, no. 1 (Mar. 1979, pages 1-14.
United Empire loyalists
Deaf — Education — Nova Scotia.
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From Yankee to Nova Scotian : Simeon Perkins of Liverpool, Nova Scotia 1762-1796 / by Douglas Mitchell Brown. 1978. xiv, 236 pages : illustrations, maps.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - Microfiche B877 - Open Shelf
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Gideon White, Loyalist / by Mary Archibald. 1st ed. Shelburne : Shelburne Historical Society, 1975. 64 pages, [4] pages of plates : illustrations, geneal. table,
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5221 L69 A67 - Open Shelf
Published with the assistance of the Nova Scotia Museum as part of the Cultural Services Program of the Department of Education.
Nova Scotia. Cultural Services Program
Shelburne Historical Society
Nova Scotia Museum.
United Empire loyalists — Nova Scotia
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Hannah Ingraham (1772-1869) / by Darrel Butler. Toronto : Dundurn Press, 1977-. 4 pages : illustrations; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.4 #15 - Vertical File
United Empire loyalists — Biography.
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Hemeon families : loyalists to Nova Scotia from New Jersey / June Berry. Salt Lake City, Utah : J. Berry, 1998. 1 v. (various pagings) : illustrations ; 22 x 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - CS90 H46 1998 - Open Shelf
United Empire loyalists — Genealogy
New Jersey — Genealogy
Nova Scotia — Genealogy
Canada — Genealogy.
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Historical view of the Commission for enquiring into the losses, services, and claims of the American Loyalists, at the close of the war between Great Britain and her colonies in 1783 : with an account of the compensation granted to them by Parliament in / by John Eardley-Wilmot. London : Printed by J. Nichols, Son, and Bentley, 1815. 203 pages : illustrations
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK F70 EA7 - Akins
'Their loyalty they kept, their love, their zeal, nor number ...'--Milton. Tables. Includes index.
American loyalists
United Empire loyalists.
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Is Canadian loyalty a sentiment or a principle? / by Alpheus Todd. 1881-.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK F70 T56 - Akins
At head of title: From the 'Canadian Monthly' for November 1881. In double columns.
Allegiance — Canada
United Empire loyalists.
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John Johnson (1742-1830) / by Alan J. MacLachlan. Toronto : Dundurn Press, 1977. 4 pages : illustrations; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.4 #16 - Vertical File
United Empire loyalists — Biography.
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Jonathan Bliss : a Loyalist success story / by Irene Etta McAfee. Orono- Maine : 1973. 94 pages ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - E278 B649 M113
Photocopy of original.
United Empire loyalists
American loyalists.
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Journal and letters of the late Samuel Curwen, judge of Admiralty, etc. an American refugee in England, from 1775 to 1784, comprising remarks on the prominent men and measures of that period / by Samuel Curwen. New York : C.S. Francis and Co., 1842. 578 pages ; 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F36 C94
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