Nova Scotia Archives

Nova Scotia Archives Library

Results 1201 to 1225 of 9329 from your search: P

Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: P

Ross, Duncan

Baptism considered in its subjects and mode : in three letters to the Reverend William Elder, in which the nature of that ordnance is explained, and many of the unscriptural opinions and false reasonings, contained in his letters to the Rev. Mr. Jackson, / by Duncan Ross.  Pictou : Weir Durham Press, 1825.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK B12 R73b - Akins

Baptismal immersion not of God : arguments pro and con / edited by Wm. Sommerville.  St. John, N.B. : Printed for the editor by McKillop & Johnston, 1876. 77 pages

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK B12 SO5b - Akins

Sommerville, William, 1800-1878.


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Dixon, John

Baptismal regeneration exhibited in the prayer book of the Church of England / by John Dixon.  Halifax : William Gossip, 1850. 15 pages; 18 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.304 #9 - Vertical File


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Edwards, Clifford E.

Baptist Heritage in Annapolis County : a History of the Bridgetown United Baptist Church / by Clifford E. Edwards.  Bridgetown : Church Leadership Unlimited, 1993. xiv, 152 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - BX6490 B851 E26 1993

Bridgetown United Baptist Church (Bridgetown, N.S.) — History

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Baptist history and heritage Nashville, Tenn. Historical Commission of the SBC. 22 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.51 #25 - Vertical File

Baptist missionary magazine of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick Saint John, N.B. Cameron and Seeds, 1827-1836.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - B5

Griffin-Allwood, Philip G. A.

Baptists in Canada, 1760-1990 : a bibliography of selected printed resources in English / prepared by Philip G.A. Griffin-Allwood, George A. Rawlyk, Jarold K. Zeman.  Hantsport : Wolfville : Saint John, N.B. : Lancelot Press ; Acadia Divinity College ; Baptist Historical Committee of United Baptist Convention of the Atlantic Provinces, 1989. xix, 266 pages ; 20 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - Z7845 B2 B222

Nova Scotia. Provincial Crown Lands Record Centre

Barachois River Inverness and Victoria Counties / Provincial Crown Lands Record Centre.  Surveys Division, 1960. 1 map ; 88 cm x 62 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3416 G4 N68 CB-96 - Map

Bards & Co's business and professional directory of Halifax, Amherst, Charlottetown, Dartmouth, Chatham, Fredericton, Kentville, Moncton, New Glasgow, Sydney, N. Sydney, Pictou, Quebec, St. John, St. Stephen, Summerside, Yarmouth, Woodstock, Truro, Windso New York ; Toronto : Bards & Co., 1900. 72 frames.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - Microfiche CIHM 08249 - Open Shelf    Internet Archive

Corbett, Gail H.

Barnardo children in Canada / Gail H. Corbett.  Peterborough, ON. : Woodland Publishing, 1981. 133 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - HD6250 C252 C67

Barnes, Albert

Barnes on the Maine law : the throne of iniquity or sustaining evil by law / Albert Barnes.  New York : American Temperance Union, 1853. 24 pages ; 19 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AC901 P186

In pamphlets, Almanaks, Tracts, Mother Shipton.


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Nova Scotia. Dept. of Mines

Barneys River Halifax : Department of Mines, 1974. 1 map ; 44 x 63 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3424 B37 N68 1974 - Map

Nova Scotia. Dept. of Lands and Forests

Barneys River Pictou County Department of Lands and Forests, 1965. 1 map ; 88 x 62 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3422 B37 N68 1965 - Map

Nova Scotia. Provincial Crown Lands Record Centre

Barneys River Pictou County / Provincial Crown Lands Record Centre.  Surveys Division, 1956. 1 map ; 88 cm x 62 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3416 G4 N68 E-34 - Map

Barometer Halifax, Barometer Pub. Illustrations 41 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - Newspaper

Banks, Thomas Christopher

Baronia angelica concentrata : or, A concentrated account of all the baronies commonly called baronies in fee / by T.C. Banks.  Ripon : The Author, 1843. 2 v. : 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - CS421 B256 - Open Shelf

The old barons of England

Baronets of Nova Scotia
Great Britain — Baronetage
Great Britain — Peerage
Nova Scotia — Baronetage.

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Nova Scotia. Provincial Crown Lands Record Centre

Barrachois Harbour Cape Breton and Victoria Counties / Provincial Crown Lands Record Centre.  Surveys Division, 1960. 1 map ; 88 cm x 62 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3416 G4 N68 CB-75 - Map

Christie, Michael

Barrington seafarers and shipbuilders / Michael Christie.  Sheet Harbour : M. Christie, 2004. 168 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - FC2345 B37 C555 2004 - Open Shelf

Nova Scotia. Provincial Crown Lands Record Centre

Barrington Shelburne County / Provincial Crown Lands Record Centre.  Surveys Division, 1942. 1 map ; 88 cm x 62 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3416 G4 N68 U-8 - Map

Nova Scotia. Provincial Crown Lands Record Centre

Barrios Lake Digby and Yarmouth Counties / Provincial Crown Lands Record Centre.  Surveys Division, 1939. 1 map ; 88 cm x 62 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3416 G4 N68 P-6 - Map

Nova Scotia Barristers' Society

Barristers and solicitors act and regulations of the Society / Nova Scotia Barristers' Society.  Halifax : Nova Scotia Barristers' Society, 1954-. 1 v. : forms ; 26 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - KE370 N68

Photocopies. Includes texts of the Barristers and solicitors act.

Nova Scotia. Laws, statutes, etc. Barristers and Solicitors Act.

Practice of law — Nova Scotia.

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Howell, Colin D.

Baseball, class and community in the Maritime Provinces 1870-1970 1989. ppages 265-286.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.145 #3 - Vertical File

In: Histoire Sociale-Social History, vol. 22, no.4, Nov. 1989.

Baseball — Maritime Provinces
Sports — Maritime Provinces

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Beaulieu, A.

Basic planning maps for Halifax-Dartmouth regional development / A. Beaulieu and G. deBelle.  Ottawa : Dept. of Energy, Mines and Resources. Policy Research and Coordination Branch, 1970. 14 pages : map; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.328 #19 - Vertical File

Basic problems in the forestry sector Nova Scotia : 1963. 1 v. (various foliations) : illustrations ; 29 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - SD250.4 V65 1963

Sponsored by N.S. Dept. of Lands and Forests--cover.

Forests and forestry — Economic aspects — Nova Scotia
Lumber trade — Nova Scotia
Sawmills — Nova Scotia

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Bowden, Nancy J.

Basic spelling for high school students Toronto, Macmillan of Co. of Canada, 1960. x, 102 pages 21 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - LTSp3 B69 1960


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