Nova Scotia Archives

Nova Scotia Archives Library

Results 526 to 550 of 629 from your search: Land — Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: Land — Nova Scotia

Mellor, John

The company store : James Bryson McLachlan and the Cape Breton coal miners, 1900-1925 / by John Mellor.  1st ed. Toronto : Doubleday Canada, 1983. xviii, 362 pages, [24] pages of plates : illustrations, maps, por

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - HD5329 M615 M45

Wilson, Diane

The decendants of Hector Sutherland and Jessie Ferguson Auckland, N.Z. : the Author, 1990. 294 pages : maps ; 30 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - CS90 S966 W747 - Open Shelf

Marble, Allan Everett

The descendants of James McCabe and Ann Pettigrew / Allan E. Marble.  Boston : New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1986. xvii, 252 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - CS71 M4733 1986 - Open Shelf

Maps on lining papers. Includes indexes.

New England Historic Genealogical Society.

New England — Genealogy
Nova Scotia — Genealogy
Canada — Genealogy

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MacKenzie, Kathleen M.

The Development of a permanent public health care system in industrial Cape Breton Halifax : Saint Mary's University, 1991-. [160] pages : illustrations, ports. ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - R461 C237 M156

Boucher, Neil

The development of an Acadian village : Surette's Island, 1859-1970 / Neil Boucher.  Yarmouth : Lescarbot, 1980. 93 pages ; 22 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5249 S961 - Open Shelf

Includes some text in French.

Acadians — Nova Scotia — Surettes Island — History
Surettes Island (N.S.) — History.

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Grenier, John

The far reaches of empire : war in Nova Scotia, 1710-1760 / John Grenier.  Norman : University of Oklahoma Press,2008. xvi, 270 pages :ill., maps ; 24 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F1038 G827 2008

Wright, Barry

The fauna of Sable Island / by Barry Wright.  Halifax : Nova Scotia Museum, 1989. 93 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AM1 N935 C975 #68

October 1989.

Nova Scotia Museum.

Zoology — Nova Scotia — Sable Island.

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Kirke, Henry

The first English conquest of Canada : with some account of the earliest settlements in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland / by Henry Kirke, M.A., B.C.L. .  London : Bemrose & sons, 1871. xi, 227 pages : illustrations, fold. map ; 22 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F95 K63

Gekas, George Andrew

The Greeks in Cape Breton / by George Andrew Gekas.  ii, 92 .: illustrations; 29 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5221 G79 G313 - Open Shelf

Greeks — Nova Scotia — Cape Breton Island

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Haley, J. Lucius

The Haley Genealogies and the Mayflower Connection / Frank B. Haley and J. Lucius Haley.  St. Andrews, NB. : F. Haley, 2005.  209 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - CS71 H168 2005 - Open Shelf

MacBean, Allister W. D.

The Inverness and Richmond railway / by Allister W.D. MacBean.  Halifax : Tennant Pub. House, 1987. xi, 87 pages : illustrations, maps, ports.; 23 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.316 #30 - Vertical File

Railroads — Nova Scotia — Cape Breton Island — History.

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Nowlan, Alfred W.

The Kirbys of England : who migrated to Massachusetts and Nova Scotia, 1470-1992 : from whom our mother Laura Jane Kirby descended / researched and compiled by Alfred W. Nowlan with the assistance of my wife Frances C. Nowlan.  Guysborough : A.W. Nowlan, 1992. 92 pages : illustrations; 22 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.375 #23 - Vertical File

Nowlan, Frances C.

Kirby family
England —
Nova Scotia — Genealogy.

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Cranford, Paul Stewart

The lighthouse collection of newly composed fiddle tunes / all tunes by Paul Stewart Cranford.  Englishtown : Cranford Publications, 1996. vii, 101 pages + 1 compact disc.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - M41 C891 L72 1996

CD transferred to SMI Division.

Fiddle tunes — Nova Scotia — Cape Breton Island.

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The London Gazette, from Tuesday March 21, to Saturday March 25, 1749 Warwick-Lane : E. Owen, 1749. 7 pages : 29 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.542 #7 - Vertical File

North British Society of Halifax

The Metropolitan Scottish Festival and Highland Games, July 8-10, 1988 / sponsored by the North British Society.  Halifax : the Society, 1988. 20 pages : illustrations, ports.; 22 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.370 #10 - Vertical File

Souvenir programme.

Highland games — Nova Scotia — Halifax
Festivals — Nova Scotia

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Furneaux, Rupert

The money pit mystery : the costliest treasure hunt ever / Rupert Furneaux.  London : T. Stacey, 1972. 158 pages, [8] pages of plates : illustrations, facsims., map

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5221 T78 F98 - Open Shelf

Treasure-trove — Nova Scotia
Oak Island Treasure Site (N.S.)

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Marsden, Joshua

The narrative of a mission to Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and the Somers Islands, with a tour to Lake Ontario : to which is added, The Mission, an original poem, with copious notes, also a brief account of missionary societies, and much interesting inform / by Joshua Marsden, late missionary to Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and the Bermudas.  Plymouth-Dock : Printed and sold by J. Johns, 1816. xiv, 289 pages : port. ; 22 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK B8 M35 - Akins

Cochran, James Cuppaidge

The necessity of early piety, a sermon preached in St. John's church, at Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, on March 27, 1842. with reference to the death of Mrs. Louisa Longard, of Halifax .. Halifax, W. Creighton, 1842. 13 pages ; 18 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK B13 C64 - Akins

Church of England in Nova Scotia

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Condow, James E.

The New England planters in Nova Scotia = Les planters de la Nouvelle Angleterre en Nouvelle-Ecosse / James E. Condow.  Ottawa: published by authority of the Minister of the Environment, Minister of Supply and Services, 1986. 13 pages : illustrations; 22 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.341 #45 - Vertical File

Text in both English and French.

New Englanders in Nova Scotia

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The night in the kitchen collection music for piano, fiddle, guitar, flute, Highland and Lowland bagpipes, and voice / compiled, scored and edited by Matthew Patrick Cook.  Dominion : Vanmarkin Publications, 1996. 118 pages of music : ports. ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - M1600 C3 N55 1996

Nova Scotia. House of Assembly. Select Committee on Nonresident Land Ownership

The nonresident land ownership public hearings / Select Committee of the Nova Scotia Legislature on Nonresident Land Ownership.  Halifax : Select Committee of the Nova Scotia Legislature on Nonresident Land Ownership, 1973. 277 pages ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - HD319 N8 N684 1973

Seal of Nova Scotia at head of title. Hearings held Oct. 9-10, 1973, Halifax; Oct. 12, 1973, Yarmouth; Oct. 15, 1973, Sydney.

Land tenure — Nova Scotia
Land use, Rural — Nova Scotia
Real property — Nova Scotia

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Churchill, George R. -1947

The Nova Scotia Churchills / by George R. Churchill.  Yarmouth : G.R. Churchill, 2008. 518 pages, [8] pages of plates: illustrations, portraits; 518 pages, [8] pages of plates: illustrations, portraits; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - CS90 C563 2010 - Open Shelf

Includes index.

Nova Scotia — Genealogy
Plymouth (Mass.) — Genealogy
England — Genealogy.

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Cox Underground Research

The Oak Island exploration : engineering and operational plans including cost estimates / by Cox Underground Research.  Ottawa, ON. : Cox Underground Research, 1987. various pagings ; illustrations, charts, maps ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - T56.8 O11 1987

Treasure-trove — Nova Scotia
Oak Island Treasure Site (N.S.)

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Harris, Reginald V.

The Oak Island mystery / Reginald V. Harris.  Toronto : Ryerson Press, 1958. xii, 211 pages, [6] pages of plates : illustrations ; 22 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5221 T78 H31 - Open Shelf

Treasure-trove — Nova Scotia — Oak Island
Oak Island (N.S.)

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Harris, Reginald V.

The Oak Island mystery / Reginald V. Harris.  2nd ed. Toronto : Ryerson Press, 1967. 209 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5221 T78 H31 1967 - Open Shelf

Treasure-trove — Nova Scotia — Oak Island
Oak Island (N.S.)

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