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Results 101 to 115 of 115 from your search: Canada — Descrip

Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: Canada — Descrip

Davies, Thomas

Thomas Davies in early Canada / edited with an introduction by R.H. Hubbard ; production by Gail Low.  Ottawa : Oberon Press, 1972. 60, [4] pages : illustrations (part col.) ; 22 x 29 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - ND249 D4 A2 1972

Preston, T. R.

Three years' residence in Canada from 1837 to 1839 : with notes of a winter voyage to New York and journey thence to the British possessions to which is added, a review of the condition of the Canadian people / T.R. Preston.  London : R. Bentley, 1840. 2 v. ; 21 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK F60 P92 - Akins

Canada — Description and travel
Canada — Politics and government.

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Williams, M. B.

Through the heart of the Rockies and Selkirks / by M. B. Williams.  2nd ed. Ottawa : F.A. Acland, 1924. 110 pages : illustrations, maps (fold.).

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - SDW67

Hart, George E.

Transcontinental pedestrians: Canada's first cross-country walk (1906) / George Edward Hart ; introduction by Jonathan Vance.  Markham, ON. : Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 2006. 280 pages : illustrations, maps ; 23 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - FC74 H325 2006 - Open Shelf

Hall, Francis

Travels in Canada and the United States in 1816 and 1817 / by Lieut. Francis Hall.  London : Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, 1818. 543 pages : maps.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F82 H14

Travels in North America London : Printed for C.J.G. & F. Rivington, 1831. 168 pages, [3] pages of plates : illustrations ; 15 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F28 T69

Purporting to narrate the experiences of one George Philips, to whom the work is sometimes attributed (Halkett & Laing VI 81, this account is a narrative of his travels from Ireland to the West Indies, and thence to the United States to cross the continent with the Lewis and Clark Expedition. He returned east through Canada to Newfoundland, and then via Quebec and Lake Champlain to New York. Cf. TPL.

Philips, George.

West Indies — Description and travel
Canada — Description and travel — 1764-1867
United States — Description and travel — 1783-1848.

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Lyell, Charles

Travels in North America : with geological observations on the United States, Canada and Nova Scotia / by Charles Lyell.  London : John Murray, 1845. 2 v., [7] folded pages of plates : maps ; 20 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F5018 L984

Lyell, Charles

Travels in North America, Canada, and Nova Scotia : with geological observations on the United States, Canada and Nova Scotia / by Charles Lyell.  2nd ed. London : John Murray, 1855. 272 pages, 2 v., [7] folded pages of plates : maps ;

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F5018 L984

Heriot, George

Travels through the Canadas / by George Heriot.  London- : 18--. 232 pages : illustrations ; 20 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F28 H42 T69

Missing title page.

First Nations of North America
Canada — Description and travel — 1764-1867

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Heriot, George

Travels through the Canadas : containing a description of the picturesque scenery on some of the rivers and lakes, with an account of the productions, commerce, and inhabitants of those provinces : to which is subjoined a comparative view of the manners a / by George Heriot ; illustrated with a map and numerous engravings, from drawings made at the several places by the author.  London : Printed for R. Phillips, 1807. xii, 602, [2] pages, [29] pages of plates (7 folded)

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F28 H42 T69

First chapter contains description of the Azores. Part second contains a minute description of the peculiarities of various nations of American aborigines, principally derived from other printed works.--Sabin. Vocabulary of the Algonquin tongue: pages 579-599; Indicative mood of the verb sakia, to love: pages 599-600; Numeration: pages 601-602. Errata: pages xii. Directions for placing the plates: pages [603] Publisher's advertisement: pages [604]

First Nations of North America
Algonquian languages — Dictionaries — English
English language — Dictionaries — Algonquian
Canada — Description and travel — 1764-1867

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Anburey, Thomas

Travels through the interior parts of America / by Thomas Anburey ; with a foreword by William Harding Carter.  Boston : Houghton Mifflin, 1923. 2 v. : 1 folded map ; 23 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F36 An1 T69

Visit to the Atlantic Provinces by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother, July 10-22, 1967. Arrangements Ottawa : Queen's Printer, 1967. 61 pages : illustrations, maps; 17 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.535 #2 - Vertical File

Cover title: Royal visit to the Atlantic Provinces, 1967 : arrangements.

Canada. Office of the Coordinator for Royal Visits, 1967.

Canada — Centennial celebrations, etc
Atlantic Provinces — Description and travel.

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Mackenzie, Alexander

Voyages from Montreal through the continent of North America to the frozen and Pacific oceans in 1789 and 1793 : with an account of the rise and state of the fur trade / by Alexander Mackenzie.  New York : New Amsterdam Book Co., 1902. 2 v. : fronts. (incl. port., v. 1) fold. map. ; 18

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5576 M19 V94 1902 - Open Shelf

First edition, London, 1801. Includes vocabularies of the Knisteneaux, Algonquin, Chepewyan, Nagailer and Atnah Indian languages. Introduction signed: Robert Waite.

Waite, Robert.

First Nations of North America — Northwest, Canadian
Fur trade — Northwest, Canadian
First Nations of North America — Canada — Languages — Glossaries, vocabularies, etc
Northwest, Canadian — Description and travel — To 1821.

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Mackenzie, Alexander

Voyages from Montreal, on the river St. Laurence, through the continent of North America, to the frozen and Pacific oceans in the years 1789 and 1793 : with a preliminary account of the rise, progress, and present state of the fur trade of that country / by Alexander Mackenzie.  London : printed for T. Cadell, W. Davies, Cobbet and Morgan and W. Creech by R. Noble, 1801. cxxxii, 412 pages, [4] pages of plates : fold. maps,

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5576 M19 V94 1902 - Open Shelf

Yankees in Canada : a collection of nineteenth-century travel narratives / edited with introduction, notes and bibliography by James Doyle.  Downsview, ON. : ECW Press, 1980. 231 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5018 Y23 - Open Shelf

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