Nova Scotia Archives

Nova Scotia Archives Library

Results 1901 to 1925 of 2964 from your search: Can

Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: Can

Robertson, Peter

Relentless verity : Canadian military photographers since 1885 = Irréductible vérite : les photographes militaires canadiens depuis 1885 Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 1973. 233 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - TR139 R53

English and French text.

War photographers — Canada
Canada — Armed Forces — Pictorial works.

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Religion and identity : the experience of Irish and Scottish Catholics in Atlantic Canada / edited by Terrence Murphy and Cyril J. Byrne.  St. John's, Nfld. : Jesperson Press, 1987. 146 pages : portraits ; 24 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F1035.8 R43

Selected papers from a conference on Roman Catholicism in Anglophone Canada: the Atlantic region, held at Saint Mary's University, 19-22 September, 1984.

Byrne, Cyril J., 1940-
Murphy, Terrence.

Catholics — Atlantic Provinces — History — Congresses
Irish Canadians — Atlantic Provinces — History — Congresses
Scottish Canadians — Atlantic Provinces — History — Congresses.

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McInnes, Stewart

Remarks by the Honourable Stewart McInnes : an address by the Honourable Stewart McInnes...on Canadian defence policy... Ottawa : Public Works of Canada, 1987. 17 pages : 29 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.508 #23 - Vertical File


Canada — Military policy

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Strachan, Dr. John, 1778-1867

Remarks on emigration from the United Kingdom : by John Strachan, D.D., Archdeacon of York, Upper Canada : addressed to Robert Wilmot Horton, Esq., M.P., Chairman of the Select Committee of Emigration in the last parliament London : J. Murray, 1827. 96 pages

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK F60 ST8 - Akins

Bound with: On emigration to Upper Canada.

Working class — Great Britain
Great Britain — Emigration and immigration
Canada — Emigration and immigration.

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Marshall, John G.

Remarks upon the proposed federation of the provinces / by a Nova Scotian.  Halifax : J. Bowes, 1864. 16 pages

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK F75 M35r - Akins

Canada — History — Confederation, 1867.

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Berton, Pierre

Remember yesterday; a century of photographs Toronto : Canadian centennial library, 1965. 126 pages : chiefly illustrations ; 29 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5000 C212 C397 - Open Shelf

McGillivray, Ronald

Remember your prelates : a sermon preached at the solemn requiem of Colin Francis MacKinnon, Archbishop of Amydo, in St. Ninian's Cathedral, Antigonish, September 30, 1879 / by R. McGillivray.  Halifax : Morning Herald, 1879. 14 pages ; 23 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - BT10 M33 v.1

Sermons, Canadian (English).

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Ross, Alexander

Reminiscences of the Reverend Alexander Ross: May 12, 1830 - December 18, 1919 / edited by Keith and Pat MacMillan.  the Editors-, 1988. iv, (various pagings); 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5204.9 R6 R823 M167 - Open Shelf

Repeal : to the honourable the Commons of the United Kingdom in parliament assembled. Of B.N.A. Act The humble petition of the representatives of the province of Nova Scotia 18--. 48 pages

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK F75 R29 - Akins

Canada — History — Confederation, 1867.

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Université d'Ottawa. Centre de recherche en civilisation canadienne-française

Répertoire numérique détaillé des documents de l'Association des enseignantes et des enseignants franco-ontariens, 1936-1984 / compilé par Johanne Beaumont.  Ottawa : Université d'Ottawa, Centre de recherche en civilisation canadienne-française, 1988. xxxvii, 347 pages ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5069.2 R425 no.28 - Open Shelf

Université d'Ottawa. Centre de recherche en civilisation canadienne-française

Répertoire numérique détaillé du fonds de la Fédération culturelle des Canadiens français / compilé par Hélène Cadieux.  Ottawa : Centre de recherche en civilisation canadienne-française, Université d'Ottawa, 1989. xiii, 170 pages ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5069.2 R425 no.30 - Open Shelf

Université d'Ottawa. Centre de recherche en civilisation canadienne-française

Répertoire numérique détaillé du fonds de la Fédération des francophones hors Québec / compilé par Hélène Cadieux.  Ottawa : Centre de recherche en civilisation canadienne-française, Université d'Ottawa, 1989. xiii, 298 pages ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5069.2 R425 no.29 - Open Shelf

Université d'Ottawa. Centre de recherche en civilisation canadienne-française

Répertoire numérique détaillé du fonds de la Fédération des jeunes Canadiens français / compilé par Johanne Beaumont.  Ottawa : Centre de recherche en civilisation canadienne-française, Université d'Ottawa, 1989. xii, 168 pages ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5069.2 R425 no.31 - Open Shelf

University of Ottawa. Centre de recherche en civilisation canadienne-française

Répertoire numérique détaillé du fonds de la Fédération nationale des femmes canadiennes-françaises / par compilé par Johanne Beaumont, Rita Bertrand, Hélène Cadieux.  Ottawa : Centre de recherche en civilisation canadienne-française, Université d'Ottawa, 1989. xix, 210 pages ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5069.2 R425 no.32 - Open Shelf

Université d'Ottawa. Centre de recherche en civilisation canadienne-française

Répertoire numérique du 25e au 30e versement du fonds de l'Association canadienne-française d'Ontario / Centre de recherche en civilisation canadienne-française, Université d'Ottawa ; par Johanne Beaumont avec la collaboration de France Beauregard.  Ottawa : Le Centre, 1991. 381 pages ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5069.2 R425 no.34 - Open Shelf

Macpherson, Sir David Lewis, 1818-1896

Reply of the Hon. D.L. Macpherson ... to ministerial attacks upon the speeches and reflections on the public expenditure of the Dominion, published in June last. Addressed to his former constituents, the electors of North Simcoe, Grey and Bruce / by the Hon. D.L. Macpherson.  Toronto : Williams, Sleeth & MacMillan, 1877. 68 pages

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK F84 M24R - Akins

Canada — Politics and government.

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Canada. Centennial Commission

Report Ottawa, 1964-1968. 5 v.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - FC623 C4 C36 - Open Shelf

Text in English only, 1962/63; and 1967/68 text in French. Published in French, 1962/63 with title: Rapport. Library has: 1966/1967.

Canada — Centennial celebrations, etc.

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Canada. National Parole Board

Report / National Parole Board.  Ottawa : Queen's Printer, 1960-1970. 11 v. in 3 : diagrs.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - HV9308 C16 R29

Text in English and French, 1965-1969. Report for 1959 mimeographed.

Rehabilitation of criminals — Canada
Parole — Canada.

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Canadian Centenary Council

Report Ottawa. illustrations, ports.; 26-28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.535 #22 - Vertical File

Library has: v. 3, no. 1-v. 3, no. 4.

Canadian Centenary Council. Meeting.

Canada — Centennial celebrations, etc. — Periodicals.

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Canadian Council for Educational Research

Report Edmonton.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - LC16e

Education — Canada

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Public Archives of Canada

Report - Public Archives of Canada Ottawa, Public Archives of Canada. ill. 25 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F80 C16r

Archives — Canada — Periodicals
Canada — History — Sources.

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Murray, Robert H.

Report and recommendation regarding the establishing of a children's department or bureau, at Ottawa / submitted by R.H. Murray and Ernest H. Blois.  Halifax : 1914. 12 pages : 19 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.204 #12 - Vertical File

Child welfare — Canada

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Canada. Shell-fish Fishery Commission

Report and recommendations Ottawa : Government Printing Bureau, 1913. 90 pages : copies map fold., tables; 25 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.2 #26 - Vertical File

Commissioner: Edward Ernest Prince. At head of title: 1912-1913. Dominion Shell-fish Fishery Commission.

Prince, Edward E. (Edward Ernest), 1858-1936.

Shellfish fisheries — Canada
Fisheries — Canada

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Canada. National Museums Task Force

Report and recommendations of the Task Force charged with examining federal policy concerning museums Ottawa : Government of Canada, Department of Communications, 1986. ix, 83, 83, ix pages ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AM1 C212 R425

Co-chairmen: Clément Richard, William Withrow. Text in English and French with French text on inverted pages. Title on added t.p.: Rapport et recommandations du Groupe de travail chargé d'examiner la politique muséologique fédérale.

Richard, Clément, 1939-
Withrow, William, 1926-

Canada. National Museums Task Force. Discussion guide.

Museums — Canada.

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Report of discussions on legal status of Indians in the Maritimes Toronto : Indian-Eskimo Association of Canada, 1970. 55 pages : 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.250 #24 - Vertical File

Report of a seminar held at Halifax, N.S., Oct. 16, 1970; sponsored by the Union of Nova Scotia Indians and the Union of New Brunswick Indians.

Union of Nova Scotia Indians
Union of New Brunswick Indians.

First Nations of North America — Legal status, laws, etc. — Canada.

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