Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: Can
Numis worthy : or old numismatic news / Eric Leighton. Fox River : Eric Leighton, 2006. xiii, 207 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - CJ1879 N935 L528 2006
Includes index. Being a compilation of articles, advertisements, letters, editorials, notices, &c. &c. having reference to, or a bearing on: the coins, currency, banking, exchange and other day to day numismatic news arising therefrom, found in the newspapers of Nova Scotia for the years 1752 to 1800. -- from t.p.
Numismatics — Canada
Numismatics — Nova Scotia.
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O, for a thousand tongues to sing : a history of singing schools in early Canada / by Dorothy H. Farquharson. Waterdown, ON. : D.H. Farquharson, 1983. iv, 114 pages : facsims., music ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - MT918 F238
Choral singing — Canada — History — 19th century
Choral singing — Instruction and study — Canada.
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Observations on the fifth article of the treaty with America : and on the necessity of appointing a judicial enquiry into the merits and losses of the American loyalists / Joseph Galloway. London : 1783. 19 pages ; 20 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK DA3 K779 - Akins
American loyalists
United States — History — Revolution — Claims.
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Observations on the fifth article of the treaty with America : and on the necessity of appointing a judicial enquiry into the merits and losses of the American loyalists: with an appendix stating some important facts relative to the conduct of Congress / Joseph Galloway. London : 1783. 19 pages ; 20 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK DA3 K773 - Akins
American loyalists
United States — History — Revolution — Claims.
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Observations upon a union of the colonies of British North America / by P.S. Hamilton. Halifax : English and Blackadar, 1855. 51 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK F75 H18 - Akins
Canada — Politics and government — 1841-1867
Canada — Economic conditions — To 1867.
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Maritime Museum of Canada (N.S.)
Occasional papers Halifax : The Museum, 1958-. 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V13
... historical sketches on maritime subjects of importance to the nation.
Naval art and science — History
Canada — History, Naval
Canada — History — Periodicals
Canada — History — Sources
Halifax (N.S.) — History — Periodicals.
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Ocean to ocean : Sandford Fleming's expedition through Canada in 1872 : being a diary kept during a journey from the Atlantic to the Pacific with the expedition of the engineer-in-chief of the Canadian Pacific and Intercolonial railways / by George M. Grant. Toronto : J. Campbell, 1873. 371 pages illustrations, maps.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S F5019 G76 O15 1873 - Oversize
Overland journeys to the Pacific
Canada — Description and travel — 1868-1900.
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Official Program and Souvenir Booklet of the Diamond Jubilee of Confederation, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, July 1-3, 1927 Dartmouth : The Weekly Gazette Limited, 1927. 32 pages : illustrations; 20 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.371 #7 - Vertical File
Dartmouth (N.S.) — Celebration
Canada — History — Confederation, 1867
Canada — Anniversaries
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Devonshire, Victor Christian William Cavendish
Official programme. Reception and installation of the Right Honourable the Duke of Devonshire as Governor General of Canada at Halifax Nov.11, 1916 Halifax : 1916. 6 pages incpages cover-title. 26 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.221 #8 - Vertical File
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Official report on standardization in lobster canning Ottawa : King's Pr., 1921. 12 pages; 25 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.9 #26 - Vertical File
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Oh, please! Not another cancer hero : stories of cancer journeys / by Gai Thomas. Halifax : Astral-Nova Publications, 1997.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.509 #9 - Vertical File
Cancer — Patients — Biography
Cancer — Psychological aspects.
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Old timers / compiled by A. Marie Bickerton. Nova Scotia : The author, 1980. 185 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5249 C225 O44 - Open Shelf
Old timers; Canning and Habitant.
Bickereton, A. Marie. Old timers; Canning and Habitant.
Canning (N.S.) — History
Habitant (N.S.) — History.
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Old-time songs and poetry of Newfoundland : songs of the people from the days of our forefathers 5th ed. St. John's, Nfld. : G.S. Doyle, 1978. 64 pages : music; 24 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.330 #31 - Vertical File
Cover title. Collection compiled by Gerald S. Doyle. Advertising matter included in paging.
Folk songs, English — Newfoundland
Canadian poetry (English) — Newfoundland.
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On a personal note / Rita MacNeil ; with Anne Simpson. Toronto : Key Porter Books, 1998. 270 pages, [8] pages of plates : illustrations ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - ML420 M169 A3 1998
Includes index.
Folk singers — Canada — Biography.
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On a streak of lightning : electric railways in Canada / by J. Edward Martin. Delta, B.C. : Studio E, 1994. 256 pages : illustrations (some col.) ; 29 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - HE5429 M37 1993
Electric railroads — Canada — History.
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On colonial literature, science and education : written with a view of improving the literary, educational, and public institutions of British North America / by George R. Young. In three volumes, vol. 1. Halifax : J.H. Crosskill, 1842. xiv, 363 pages ; 19 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - Microfilm 3893 - Open Shelf
No more published.
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On Jules Helbronner / compiled by David Rome ; with an introduction by Saul Hayes. Montreal, National Archives, Canadian Jewish Congress, 1978. 98 pages 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5033 J3 C648 #11 - Open Shelf
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On Mackenzie King and Jewish sweating labor / compiled by David Rome ; with an introduction by Saul Hayes. Montreal : Canadian Jewish Congress, National Congress, 1979. 2 v. ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5033 J3 C648 #12-13 - Open Shelf
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On our forerunners--at work / compiled by David Rome. Montreal : National Archives, Canadian Jewish Congress ; issued with the assistance of The Jewish Community Foundation of Montreal, 1978. 2 v. (vii, 192, [13] pages) ; 28 cm. -
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5033 J3 C648 #9-10 - Open Shelf
Part 2 has subtitle: Epiloge, notes on the twentieth century.
Canadian Jewish Congress. National Archives.
Jews — Canada — Employment
Labor and laboring classes — Canada.
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On Sunday observance, 1906 / compiled by David Rome ; with a preface by Rabbi Jonathan V. Plaunt. Montreal : National Archives, Canadian Jewish Congress, 1979. iv, 126 [i.e. 136] p ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5033 J3 C648 #14 - Open Shelf
Jews — Canada — History
Sabbath — Law and legislation
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On the cars and off : Being the journal of a pilgrimage along the Queen's highway, from Halifax in Nova Scotia to Victoria in Vancouver's Island / By Douglas Sladen With nineteen collotype plates and eighty-seven illustrations in the text. With additional matter on Klondike by P.A. Hurd. London : Ward, Lock & Co., Limited, 1894-. xviii, 512 pages [19] pages of plates : illustrations, portraits
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F5019 S631
Canada — Description and travel — 19th century
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On the early Harts / compiled by David Rome ; with a preface by Rabbi Jonathan V. Plaut. Montreal : National Archives, Canadian Jewish Congress, 1980-. port. ; 27 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5033 J3 C648 #15-18 - Open Shelf
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On the intention of the imperial government to unite the provinces of British North America : and a review of some events which took place during the session of the provincial Parliament in 1854 in Quebec / by Henry Taylor. Toronto : 1858. 117 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK F75 T21 - Akins
Representative government and representation — Canada
Canada — Politics and government — 1841-1867.
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On the job : confronting the labour process in Canada / edited by Craig Heron and Robert Storey. Kingston, ON. : McGill-Queen's University Press, 1986. xiv, 360 pages ; 24 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - HD8104 O52 1986
Work — History
Industrial sociology — Canada — History
Industrial relations — Canada — History.
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On the military & commercial importance of completing the line of railway from Halifax to Quebec : to which is added, official correspondence, proceedings at deputations, copies of memorials to her Majesty's government, petitions to the imperial Parliamen London : W. Penny, 1862. vi, 146 pages : map ; 21 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK HEON - Akins
Railroads — Canada
Railroads — Economic aspects — Canada
Canada — Defenses.
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