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Nova Scotia Archives Library

Results 251 to 275 of 526 from your search: Books

Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: Books

DeWolfe, L. A.

Junior geography or Journeys near and far / by L.A. DeWolfe.  Truro : Normal College, 1923. 319 pages : ills.; 25 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - LTG29 D515

Geography — Textbook

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Kejimkujik National Park : a guide / by John Leefe ; maps by Goldie Gibson.  1st ed., June 1981. Tantallon : Four East Publications, 1981. 111 pages : illustrations, maps, portraits ; 23 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5216.2 K28 L484 - Open Shelf

Keltic Lodge, Ingonish Beach, Nova Scotia, Canada / prepared by Industrial and Tourist Promotion.  Nova Scotia : Industrial and Tourist Promotion, 195--. 1 folded sheet (unpaged) : colour illustrations ; 23 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F108 G54 #7

Thomson, James

Key to Thomson's Treatise on arithmetic, in theory and practice .. / by James Thomson.  London : Sims and M'Intyre, 1853. 212 pages ; 18 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - LTAr4 T48

Arithmetic — Study and teaching

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Daudet, Alphonse

La Belle-Nivernaise/ / par Alphonse Daudet; with notes and vocabulary by Frank W. Freeborn; questions and exercises by Noelia Dubrule.  Boston : Ginn and Co., c. 1920. 106 pages; 17 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - LTF88 D32


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Labiche, Eugène

La poudre aux yeux / par Labiche et Martin. Edited with notes, exercises and vocabulary by Edouard Sonet.  Toronto, ON. : W.J. Gage 19--. 168 pages ; 19 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - LTF88 L118

French language — Textbooks

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Cormier, Yves

L'Acadie d'aujourd'hui : guide des provinces maritimes francophones / Yves Cormier.  Moncton, N.-B. : Éditions d'Acadie, 1994. 293 pages : illustrations (some col), maps ; 23 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - FC2025.5 C67 1994 - Open Shelf

Maritime Provinces — Guidebooks

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Dalton, Kathleen Ellen, (Sister Mary Katherine)

Language for wonder : a totally integrated approach to the language arts according to Zoltán Kodály's philosophy of education / by Kathleen Dalton ; musical arrangements and adaptation by Vernon Ellis ; consultant Mary Alice Hein.  Oakland, Calif. : Holy Names College, 1973. 106 pages : illustrations, music, ports.; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.302 #36a-b - Vertical File

Library also has the pilot ed. 1972 at this number.

Music — Instruction and study
School song-books

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Macaulay, Thomas Babington Macaulay

Lays of ancient Rome / by Thomas R. MacAulay.  New York : Houghton Mifflin Co., 1890. 118 pages; port; 3 plates; 18 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.292 #12 - Vertical File


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Comeau Tufts, Edith

Le petit Acadien : son identité en images : livre à lire et à colorier / par Edith Comeau Tufts ; ill. de Valérie Pelletier.  Saulnierville, N.-E. : E. Comeau Tufts, 1978. [80] pages : chiefly illustrations ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5029.5 T914 - Open Shelf

...conçu spécialement pour les enfants de descendance acadienne à l'occasion de l'année internationale de l'enfant ...--pages [4].

Pelletier, Valérie.

Coloring books
Acadians — History — Juvenile literature.

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Le vote au feminin : guide politique destine aux femmes a la Nouvelle Ecosse Halifax : Conseil consultatif sur la condition feminine de la Nouvelle Ecosse, 1991. 44 pages : 23 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.399 #12 - Vertical File

Nelson, Charmaine A.

Legacies Denied : unearthing the visual culture of Canadian slavery / edited by Charmaine A. Nelson.  Montreal, PQ : C.A. Nelson, 2013. 306 pages : illustrations, facsims., maps, portraits ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - N8243 S576 L496 2013

Many of the art objects from McGill's Rare Books and Special Collections Library are a part of the art exhibition that will be on display from May 22nd until July 31st, 2013 at: McGill University, Rare Books and Special Collections Library" page 4 (1st group). An exhibition catalogue, "the by-product of an ambitious student exhibition that assembles an extraordinary group of art and visual culture objects of direct relevance to Trans Atlantic Slavery" - page 1 (2nd group). Includes contributions by each of the 16 students in an Art History class at McGill University taught by the editor: Nicodemo Agostino, Emma Bardes, Ludivine Baugier, Rachel Burke, Daisy Charles, Eliyahu Freedman, Grace Fu, Nizar Hatoum, Nicole Ariella Ioffredi, Anna January, Anna Kanduth, Elisa Penttila, Jacqueline Riddle, Kai Thomas, Rachel Zellars, Michael W. Zhang. Publisher from copyright statement. With an introduction by the editor. Includes bibliographical references.

McGill University. Rare Books and Special Collections Division

McGill University — Rare Books and Special Collections Division — Exhibitions
Black people in art — Exhibitions
Slavery in art — Exhibitions
Slavery — Canada — History — Exhibitions
White people in art — Exhibitions

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Michaud, Marguerite

Les Acadiens des provinces maritimes : guide historique et touristique / Marguerite Michaud.  Moncton, N.B. : Impr. Acadienne, 1967 165 pages : illustrations, maps. ; 22 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5191 Ac1 M58 - Open Shelf

Maritime Provinces — Guidebooks.

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Bissell, Keith

Let's sing and play for primary grades : songs for voice with percussion accompaniment / Keith Bissell.  Waterloo, Ont. : Waterloo Music Co., 1976. score 79 pages : 25 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.297 #14 - Vertical File

Cover title. "The instruments required are the Orff-type group including glockenspiels, metalophones, xylophones, hand drums, woodblock, cymbal, etc." Songs in languages other than English are accompanied by English translations. Includes i

School songbooks, Canadian
Songs with percussion

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Bissell, Keith

Let's sing and play for upper junior and intermediate grades : songs for voice with percussion accompaniment / Keith Bissell.  Waterloo, Ont. : Waterloo Music Co., 1978. score 75 pages : 26 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.297 #13 - Vertical File

Includes original compositions and arrangements of traditional music by K. Bissell, Canadian. "The instruments required are the Orff-type group including glockenspiels, metalophones, xylophones, hand drums, woodblock, cymbal, etc." Words mainly

School songbooks, Canadian
Songs with percussion.

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Canadian Council for Reconstruction through UNESCO.

Letter and list .. Ottawa : 1948. 4 pages.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.47 #17 - Vertical File


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Cottrell, Barbara

Liberty : manual for group facilitators and survivors of woman abuse / created by Diane Kays and Denise Taylor ; written by Barbara Cottrell in collaboration with Diane Kays and Denise Taylor ; edited by donalee sic Moulton ; designed by Ariella Pahlke & Doug Porter ; sketches by Susan Vitale.  Halifax : Family Services Association of Halifax, Dartmouth, Bedford and Halifax County, 1992. 102 pages : illustrations, forms ; 30 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - HV6626 C68 1992

Kyle, Hedi

Library materials preservation manual : practical methods for preserving books, pamphlets, and other printed materials / Hedi Kyle, with contributions by Nelly Balloffet, Judith Reed, Virginia Wisniewski-Klett ; illustrated by Hedi Kyle.  Bronxville, N.Y. : N.T. Smith, 1983. viii, 160 pages : illustrations ; 29 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - Z701 K94

Lift your voices / Department of Christian Education, Canadian Council of Churches.  19--. 111 pages; 17 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.294 #33 - Vertical File

Subtitle: songs for young and old.

Canadian Council of Churches. Dept. of Christian Education


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T. C. Allen & Co. (Halifax, Nova Scotia)

List of educational books for sale / by T. C. Allen & Co.  Halifax : T. C. Allen & Co. , 1905-. 30 pages : 17 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.364 #11 - Vertical File

Catalogs, Book — Nova Scotia
Booksellers and bookselling — Nova Scotia

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Melanson, Holly

Literary presses in Canada, 1975-1985 : a checklist and bibliography / compiled by Holly Melanson.  Halifax : Dalhousie University, School of Library and Information Studies, 1988. iii, 187 pages ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - Z669.1 D1430 #43

Hales, John Wesley

Longer English poems : with notes philological and explanatory and an introduction on the teaching of English / edited by J. W. Hales.  London : Macmillan, 1872, 1899. xxxvii, 427 pages ; 18 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - LTP75 E5

Poetry — Study and teaching

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Lost! and found: an outdoor survival program for children / sponsored by Nova Scotia Sport and Recreation Commission in cooperation with Nova Scotia Safety Council.  Halifax: Outdoor Recreation Section, Nova Scotia Sport and Recreation Commission 1989. 27 pages : illustrations; 16 x 22 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.343 #12 - Vertical File

Macaulay, Thomas Babington Macaulay

Macaulay's Lays of ancient Rome and The armada / with introduction and notes by A. Cameron.  Halifax : A. & W. Mackinlay, 1905. vi, 92 pages : 17 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.531 #1 - Vertical File

Poems. For use in schools.

Cameron, A
Macaulay, Thomas Babington Macaulay, Baron, 1800-1859. The Armada.


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Macaulay, Thomas Babington Macaulay

Macaulay's Lays of ancient Rome and The armada / with introduction and notes by A. Cameron.  Halifax : A. & W. Mackinlay, 1902, 1899. vi, 92 pages : 17 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.185 #6 - Vertical File

Poems. For use in schools.

Cameron, A
Macaulay, Thomas Babington Macaulay, Baron, 1800-1859. The Armada.


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