Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Registres du gouvernement britannique à Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  68  Nova Scotia Archives.

enclosed. Has done everything possible to quiet the Indians. Out of pocket above £150 in presents to them. Convinced that £100,000 would not keep them faithful, as long as the priests retain their ascendancy over them. Indians assemble punctually twice a year and receive absolution conditionally on their being always enemies to the English. Indians of St. John's River, the most considerable tribe, have had a conference with him. Man-of-war on this station has lain all summer in Boston Harbor; should have gone to Canso. Eleven Indians flushed with success, plundered a New England sloop at Minas, inhabitants not interfering. Has written for au explanation. Must tell him plainly that there is no hope of settling the province without much stronger garrison. Council of same opinion.1 Inhabitants will not swear allegiance, and have evidently no intention of leaving the country. Description of the people and province enclosed.2 Better to hand the country back to the French than be content with the name of government only. Copy of reply of Govr of Canada to proposal to appoint boundary commissioners enclosed. Minutes of council also transmitted. French method of colonizing is by means of private companies &c, and not through the Crown direct. This is now going on in the Island of St. John, hemming in English colonies from Cape Breton to the Mississippi, Englishmen might do the same.
R. Philipps

Memo. [56

Same letter written to Board of Trade, with different (formal) conclusion.


Before letter could be sent, the answer of the French at Minas received. Copy transmitted. Jesuitical composition, work of priests, as the inhabitants are incapable of such a thing. As against what they allege, Broadstreet was sent to Minas as a preventive officer to observe relations with Cape Breton. Had to return; could get no guide, and came alone.

1. Document marked 5 enclosed, is Philipps and Council to King.
2. Mascarene's statement, printed A. A. 39-49.
3. Printed A. A. 62 f.


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