Voici la présentation en ligne la plus importante et la plus complète de documents de source primaire concernant la Déportation des Acadiens de la Nouvelle-Écosse, documents qui sont numérisés et entièrement consultables.
Selections from the Public Documents of the Province of Nova Scotia, ed>. T.B. Akins (Halifax, 1869); pp. 3-243
I. Papers relating to the Acadian French, 1714-1755
Selections from the Public Documents of the Province of Nova Scotia, ed. T.B. Akins (Halifax, 1869); pp. 247-357
II. Papers Relating to the Forcible Removal of the Acadian French from Nova Scotia, 1755-1768
Collections of the Nova Scotia Historical Society, Vol. II (1881); pp. 129-160
Papers relating to the Acadian French ~ Andrew Brown Collection
Collections of the Nova Scotia Historical Society, Vol. IV (1885); pp. 113-246
Journal of Colonel John Winslow at Beausejour, Summer 1755
Collections of the Nova Scotia Historical Society, Vol. III (1883); pp. 71-196
banner image: Maps - 200400434 'L'Acadie' map of Acadia
Nova Scotia Archives — https://archives.novascotia.ca/deportation/
Crown copyright © 2025, Province of Nova Scotia.