Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Registres du gouvernement britannique à Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Governor's Letter-Book, Annapolis, 1713-1717. 45

answers herewith. Will enquire into the sentiments of those more remote, as soon as the season permits, C. has changed his opinion of them, little reliance to be placed on their friendship; but they will leave the country with reluctance; those who had gone out, have returned; for permanent improvement, English inhabitants are adsolutely necessary. Strength of the four independent cos.: C.'s, 55 men; Williams', 65; Armstrong's, 43; Aldridge's, 66; or 2191 in all. These, if recruited and kept full, with the assistance of the train, are necessary to hold the place in peace and war. Affairs of garrison have been so confused and lessened the exchange of bills that they have been frequently compelled to dispose of them, for bare necessaries, at much less than par: hopes this will justify non-payment of Mr. Manby, Judge Advocate, or any other charges until credit is better and exchange higher. Account of "ye Canada Cloathing" shows how it has been disposed of and what remains in store: remnant "Soe much damnifyed" as to be worth little or nothing. Had C. not disposed of it to the gentlemen of the garrison, whose necessities forced them to buy it, the king would have lost more than one-third discount allowed on first cost," for wch we do all return or Most hearty Thanks." Provisions came for garrison by "King George" on Oct. 11 last; found by survey to be good "Save what appears to be otherways." Allowing for what is said to be on the "Prince of Wales," C. finds wanting only 56 lbs. biscuit, 3 galls. oatmeal and 9 ¾ pints oil in lieu of butter to complete 6 mos. provisions for 371 men, full allowance. Accounts of this and former supply sent by "Prince Frederick," Oct. 25, 1715; and of the New England provisions, expended since balancing of accounts, sent by Borland from May 1, 1714, to Dec. 23, 1715, "both days Inclusive" from which date the British account begins, both in Capon's time ending, May 4, 1716 and Shirreff's time from latter date till Oct, 23, 1716, with estimate of how far provisions in store will bring the garrison, have been sent to Secretary Stanhope, in response to his command, dated May 6, 1716. C. would now have forwarded duplicates, if time permitted, the winter is far advanced and the sloop pressing:

1. Evidently a slip for 229.


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