Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Registres du gouvernement britannique à Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Commission Book, 1720-1741. 225

Reprimanding you for Such Disobedience and Insolence, And also for your Daring to take up and to possess yourself of lands without the Advice or Previous Consent either Asked for or granted by this his Majesty's Government particularly Abram Arsinoe, his sons and their Associates for presuming in Contempt of Minutes of Council to Disturb the said James Oneil in the possession of that land on LaValliers Island which was thereby provisionally Granted him, without first Showing Cause for their so Doing by making out their right and pretentions thereunto before me and his Majesty's Council." Abram Arsinoe et al. have complained by petition in 1738 against O'Neal and "Refused and Contemptuously Disobeyed three Several orders and Summons to appear here before me and his Majesty's Council to make good their Allegations against him." This non-compliance shows not only contempt but that their complaints were largely groundless. Thel'efore, in accordance with the Minutes-of-Council, dated Dec. 15, 1736, May 5, 1737, and May 4,1736, James O'Neal is confirmed in the possession and profits of said land until Abram Arsinoe et al., "who have thus Disturbed and Impeded him from Engaging the Same, shall make good their Right thereuuto by any Previous lawfull Grant thereof." They are also strictly forbidden to hinder O'Neal in possession. As O'N. has obeyed the order issued against on the 15th inst., he is not to be molested in the lawful carrying out of his affairs.

Annapolis, July 27, 1738.
L. Armstrong.

French translation of foregoing follows [188 f.]

Order to Captain Mitford Regarding a Court-Martial. [190

Major Alexander Cosby of Phillips's Regt. of Foot, has represented to the General Court-martial, held here for the trial of Capt. Patrick Heron of the same regt., "that the said Captain Patrick Heron had given notes for, and had Refused to pay Several of his men's Subsistance and Others who had


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