Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Registres du gouvernement britannique à Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Governor's Letter-Book, Annapolis, 1713-1717. 17

as disaffected to the House of Hanover, excepting Vane. Spellman and Simpson take this letter and will give further information regarding the garrison.

Caulfeild to the Agent of the Garrison. [31

Encloses copy of letter from Boston merchant who assisted the garrison, when in great necessity for provisions, a full account of which C. has sent to the Secretary of War. This to explain why C. gave bills at 50% to Clark who supplied the garrison, "after all others declined The Service." For his encouragement, all other bills C. draws on the Agent will be at 60% advance.
T : C :

June 8.

Since last account, have disposed of to Capoon to the value of £73.7s. N. England money: account with Capoon's receipt enclosed: hope agent will make stoppage for it.1
T : C :

"Wrote to Mr. Henrey Franklin June ye 8th.
Wro To Mr. Tanant June ye 8th,"

Wro To Mr. Tanant June ye 8th,"

Caulfeild to Belcher. [32

Refers to B.'s letter of the 17th past, complaining that C. had not answered B.'s letter of March 3. C. has found that B. declined supplying the garrison further, and, having given Alden a receipt for contents of the invoice and bill of lading "Thought that might have been Sufficient."

June 6.

Caulfeild to Board of Ordnance

Encloses contingent account belonging to the B. of O. from Nov. 8; 1714 to May 31, 1715, both days inclusive, except the paragraph relating to James Clark, which is from Oct, 11, 1714 to May 31, 1715: expense of stores is from Nov. 1,

1. Memo below; "To ye paymaster genll ye Rest of ye Letter in duplicate."

June 9.


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