Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Registres du gouvernement britannique à Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1720-1742. 49

tion of one Joseph Dougas touching some of his private Concerns with some Inhabitants at Mines, which being Read


     The Oppinion of the Board is, that as he the Said Joseph Dougas was formerly l an Inhabitant of this Province & in the time of General Nicholson in the year 1714 Did then withdraw [69] Withdraw himself to the french Government of Cape Breton he had thereby forentted all his Right & Tittle to anything within this Province

     The Honourable L.t Governor also shew'd to the Board a permitt for said Joseph Dugas to Come hither with his schooner the S.t Anne Signed by Major Alexander Cosby Commanding his Majestys Garrison at Canso which was Read
permitt from major Cosby in favour of Joseph Dugas read

     Also a Paragraph of a Letter from Maj.r Alexander Cosby to the L.t Governor wherein the Major Says that the L.t Governor of Placentia had took provisions for two Companys out of a Briganteen bound to Canso with provisions for that Garrison which had Occasioned the Provisions to fall Short, & that therefore he (the Major) had Ship'd on Board the Said Dougas's Schooner Sundry things to purchase some Pease & Pork, if he could' find any here or at Mines


     But that the Honourable L.t Governor being lnform'd by the Collootor that J oeeph Dougas the Master of the said Schooner had Shown him a paper Setting forth What things he had on Board, amongst which were Several french Goods & Merchandize ; and that the Master having ask'd him whether he Could be permitted to      bulk, he had Answer'd him in the negative & told him that if he did, he would Seize him; Wherefore the Honourable Lt. Governor Desired the Advice of the Board to know as the Garrison at Canso was in want of Such provisions before mentioned, what he Should do in this Case, that the Vessell being According to Law, liable to be Seized, if it Should either      Bulk or receive any thing on Board
Agreed [70]

1. In 1735, reference was made to a grant to J. Dugas from de la Tour, in a dispute regarding a marsh. See , p. 207


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