The Difference betwixt Jas Gouzile agst Bastarach & Orrillion about fences.
The Secretary Acquainted the Gentlemen of the Commitee that as James Gouzile Inhabitant of this River had presented his Honr the Lt Governor of the Province with Petition Complaining Against John Bastarach Charles Orrillon and their Partners in Regard to the Insufficiency of their ffences through which he had last Summer lost the Whole produce of Twelve Buslls of Wheat it being Intirely Eat up & Destroyed by the Cattle of the Said John Bastarach; He was therefore Directed to lay the said Petition before them for their Examination As the partys Concerned were all here, And also the Decision thereon formerly Made by One Bernard Goddet, At that time one of the Deputys, by Order of the Honourable Alexander Cosby The Lieut Governor of the Garrison for their Consideration That they might hear what the partys Accused by the Said Gouzile and those Condemned by the Said Goddet had to Offer for them Selves And to Report the Same to his Honr