the measures Dykes & fences to be kept in good Repair.
His Honr Aquainted the Board that as he had already at Annapolis Royall Ishued [411] Issued out an order in relation to measures, & as it hath not as yet been regarded here, that he therefore Intended to renew the same; and also having received a Complaint from Monsr Degodalie & other Inhabitants in relation to trespasses daily Committed by Cattle through the Insufficiency of their dykes and fences he asked their Opinion whither he should not also Issue out an order for keeping the said fences &ca in good Repair, under the pain of a Certain penalty to be paid by the person or persons offending to those who may be Injured through such willful & Careless neglect, which being all agreed to, Orders were thereon Issued.
(signed) L : Armstrong