Minutes of H. M. Council, 1720-1742. |
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him a penny, for that he had paid him twenty Livers, & that He had Severall times told him the Said Oneal that he would never pay him any more, for Altho' that he had made an Agreement to the Said Oneal for 50 livers for the Cure of his Wife, he Said [409] said that Sd Oneal did not perform his Engagement, for that he was Obliged to make use of Mr Moutton for Some Ointment.
To which Mr Oneal replyed that the 20 Livrs were for Cureing himself of a fever, and Also Asserted that he had performed the Cure with his Wife, And therefore prayed that His time & the Value of his Medicines May be Considered, As to which he Appealed to Doctr Skene or any other who were aquainted to medicines & the practice of Chirurgery, And Prayed that he might be Enlarged & Released from his Imprisonment
At a Comittee of Council Held by Order of ye Honble Lt Govr Lawrence Armstrong On Saturday the 5th April 1735
Present John Adams Esq Wm Skene Esq Wm Shirreff Secretary | Henry Cope Esq Eras : James Philipps Esq Otho Hamilton Esq |
The Secretary Aquainted the Board that he was directed by his Honr the Lt Govr of [410] of the Province to lay before them a petition from Willm Haw praying that His Honour might Return him his patent for a peice of Ground (which as the Petitioner Setts forth he was ordered to Deliver up) for the Boards Consideration & Advice thereon
W.m Haws petition. |