Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Registres du gouvernement britannique à Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1720-1742. 255

     And Both the Instructions and Advertisemt being Read, they were approved of

     And as mr Winniett had Sent word by the Constable that he was Busy, and that his own affairs would not allow him to be present at the Board, his Said Excuse was ordered to be minuted
Mr. Winniett's Excuse for not attending the Board

     Then adjourned tiIl 3 o Clock P. M.


     Att 3 o Clock P. M., the Same Members present, The Board took into Consideration the Inhabitants Answer to his Honours aforesaid order for Chusing Deputys; and they having Chosen Prudent Robicheaux, Alexander Hebert, Nicholas Gautier, Peter Lanow, Joseph Bourgeois, Claud Giroard, William Blanchard; and Prudent Robicheaux Junr altho not [318] Not altogether Conformable to His Honours orders It was Judged proper to accept thereof, and that His honourmight Give his Approbation to the Same, and His honourdid Accordingly Approve thereof, and Recommended to them the Duty upon them, and the faithfull Execution of their office

The Inhabitants answer for Chusing New Deputys Considered

     And According to his Honours aforesaid order, for making an Annual Choice, It was agreed upon by His honour(by and with the advice of the Board) with the Deputys present, that the annual Day for the Election of New Deputys Shall be always hereafter on the Eleventh of october, in Commemoration of the Reduction of this place, Provided that it be not on the Lords day, Commonly Called Sunday, and that then it Shall be on the Munday following, and that the Deputys in office Shall always Give Notice thereof to the Governor thirty Days before the time then Agreed upon, in order to have his orders for the Same
the Day Appointed for the Chusing of Deputys

Then His honourRepresented to the Board the Difficulty of having a Quorum, Mr Adams being frequently through the Infirmity of old age, not able to Give his Attendance; and that Seeing Mr Winniet, by his frequent Excuses, that his Bussiness could not permitt him to attend the affairs of the Government, His honourtherefore desir'd the Advice of the Board
Motion for Chusing a New Member of Council


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