Resolved that Mr Winniet, notwithstanding the minute before mentioned be esteem'd a person quallifyed to serue the Goverment and whome his Excellency may Honour with his Commands. and that his Excellency and Council had accep.d of his submission in writeing for his misbehaviour towards them.
Att a Council held at his Excellency's house in his Maj estys Fort of Annapolis Royall upon Saturday the 8th April 1721 A: M.
Present. His Excellency
The Hon.ble The President Major Paul Mascarene Arthur Savage Esq John Adams Esq
Hibbert Newton Esq William Skene Esq William Shirreff Esq
Petition from the ffrench Inhabitants.
A Petition of the french Inhabitants of this river to his Excellency, relateing to the soweing of their lands here &c. was read and advised on
likewise that part of his Excellencys Instructions relateing to the french Inhab:ts was read