Mons.r Gaulin upon his submission is allowed to serve the Cure at Menis
Then He Acquainted the Board That that Old Mischivious Incendiairy Gaulin had Represented to him yt he could not procure the Bail Required by the Board on tewsday the 11th Ins.t But that whereas he had at last Come to make his Submission & to begg pardon for all past faults Promising for the future to behave himself with more Respect and Obedience to His Majestys Governmt than ever he had done heretofore, and upon no Acco.t whatsoever to Intermidle in ye Governmts Affairs, but by his Doctrine to instill, if possible, the principalls of Obedience & Loyalty both into the Indians & french Inhabitants ; Wherefore & finding y.t the