Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Registres du gouvernement britannique à Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  128  Nova Scotia Archives.

Orderd y.t a Signed Coppy thereof be Given to his Honour the L.t Governor of the Province that he may Order ye Same to be put in Execution; which two last orders were Accordingly Complyed with
By his honour's Command
by and with the Advice of the Council

     At a Council held as aforesaid in His Majestys Town of Anapolis Royall on Sunday the 25th of September 1726

The Honourable Lt. Govr of the Province
The Honourable Lt. Governor of ye Town & Garrison of Annapolis Royall
John Adams Esq
William Skene Esq

William Shirreff Esq
The [173]


The Honourable L.t Governor of the Province Acquainted that He this Day Expected the Deputees & the Inhabitants with their Ans.r Conforme to the Appointment on Wednesday Last and therefore Desired the Advice of the Board what He Should in Case they Refused Signing & taking the Oaths to His Majesty
Rules to be laid before the ffrench Inhabitants to take the oath.

     The Board y.t the only Method to be used, was to Demonstrate to them first ye N ecessity of their So Doing, & Invite them thereunto by laymg before them ye Many Advantages & priviledges of English Subjects to which they by taking the Oath of :fidelity to His Majesty King George were as fully & freely Entitled to as if they were the Natural born Subjects of Great Britain, as also the free Exercise of their Religion Estates & fortunes, Otherwise they Must of Necsssity Retire Immediately out of the Province Conforme to His Majestys Directions for if Argument & promisses of kind Usage did not prevail, it would be to no purpose to pretend Compelling them by force further than telling them what they must Expect; And if thereby those who have


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