MINUTES OF H. M. COUNCIL 1720 - 1742 |
Richard Philipps Esq Captain General & Governor in Chief in and over His Majesty's Province of Nova Scotia Governor of Annapolis Royal in said Province and of Placentia in Newfound land, and Collonel of one of His Majesty's Regiments of Foot.
Haueing made choice of the following Gentlemen, as members of His Majesty's Council for the Province afore.sd they were summon'd to attend his Excellency on Munday the 25th Aprill 1720 at the Honourable Liev.t Governors. House in His Majesty's Garrision of Annapolis Royal; where accordingly being mett.
Ar. Savage Scery. |
Present. His Excellency the General The Honable Liev.t Governor Major Law:ce Armstrong. Maj:r Paul Mascarene The Rev:d John Harrison Esq Cyprian Southack Esq | Arthur Savage Esq Hibbert Newton Esq William Skene Esq William Shirreff Esq Peter Boudre Esq |
His Excellency administred to each of the members the Oaths mentioned in an Act passed the first year of His Majesty's person & Government, & the succession of the Crown in the Heirs of the late Princess Sophia being Protestants [2]2 and for extinguishing the hopes of the pretended Prince of Wales and his open and secret Abettors. Also they took & subscribed the Declaration mentioned in an Act of Parliment made in the 25th year of the Reigne of King Charles the second intituled an Act for preventing dangers whch may happen from Popish Recusants; and an Oath for the due Execution of their places and Trusts ***3 with regard to the equall and impartiall administration of Justice in all causes which shall come before them then
2. [ ] indicates the folio throughout 3. An erasure so filled in