Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  112  Nova Scotia Archives.

aware of it. The deputies of Minas cannot do the Governor a greater pleasure than by arresting these robbers. Old Emanuel has complained that some of the inhabitants will not pay the tax of six sols per cord of wood. Governor and Council vexed at their refusal; order the deputies to carry out their commands; and to send in list of the contumacious with their reasons for refusing to obey (the two BelIeisles to be exempt).
Otho Hamilton Sec.r.
Dec. 15.

Hamilton to Deputies of Chignecto.1 [170

Had laid the letter of the people of Chignecto before the Council: which approve the choice of deputies, as well as their reasons for not attending on account of the bad weather. The Governor will be satisfied if in the future they send two instead of eight; viz., one of the old and one of the newly elected deputies, when they have' a convenient opportunity. Governor has issued orders to 0' Neal to collect and receive he King's rents and to act as notary public.
Otho Hamilton Sec.r.
Dec. 15.

Hamilton to Mangeant.1

By Governor's orders, writes M. to make a complete and exact account of the quit-rents from the time of Gen. Philipps' departure, with Mr Bellehumeur, as no such account has ever been made out: and also a roll of the rents due the Crown. Thanks him for the trouble he has taken "touchant les Deux Hommes Appertenants a Monsr Dolobara."
Otho Hamilton Sec.r.
June 21.

Armstrong to the St. John's Indians. [171

Refers to the treaty concluded by the tribe and the English in 1725 at Boston and afterwards ratified at Annapolis Royal ; and to the article providing that in any case of robbery or outrage by an Indian, his tribe shall be held responsible. Is

1. In French.


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