Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Registres du gouvernement britannique à Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Governor's Letter-Book, Annapolis, 1713-1717. 25

Considerable quantity of furs brought in by the Indians and sold by the French to our traders. Copper mines there of which the inhabitants make spoons, candlesticks and other necessities, They have between 30 and 40 sail of vessels, built by themselves, which they employ in fishing. Their harbors are but indifferent: there are about 500 men, of which 200 are settled inhabitants.
Checanectou is situate N. about 30 leagues away; a low country, used mostly for raising black and white cattle. Were supplied from C, in our necessity with about 70 bbls. of extraordinary good beef. The greatest resort for the Penobscot and St. John's Indians, who barter to the French great quantities of furs and feathers for provisions. Oxen and cows about 1,000, sheep about 1,000, hogs about 800, corn to support their families (about 50), computed to be 6,000 bushels. Very good coal mines there, which have formerly been used by this garrison. Masting may be had there, but the best places are "Pesmecoddy Mages and St John," for masts of all sizes and with rivers for the embarkation of them. N. from here about 14 leagues.
Harbors to the eastward from this place to the "Gutt of Canco, beginning at Pugmacou1 Cape Sables, Port Rossway, La-Have, Marligash, Chebuctou, Bay of Vert, Restubuctou &c. to ye Gutt of Canco." Masting to be had, with convenient water carriage; but few inhabitants in any of them. They are accounted good harbors, resorted to by N. E. fishermen and ours on all occasions, and are capable of improvement, "especially La Have Port Rosway, and chebuctou, being most Convenient for trade and ffortification." Canso recommended particularly, because it has the richest fisheries, and the French design building a fort at St. Peter's not above seven leagues away; which will make it impossible to protect British vessels.
If2 the French remain in this country, it will tend to its improvement: their numbers are considerable, and if they quit us we strengthen the enemy. Though we may not expect

1. Last letter doubtful: written above in black ink, “Pobomcoup."
2. A large part of what follows is printed in full, but not accurately, A. A. 8-10, for instance, “in case they quitt us will still strengthen," (p. 8 foot) reads in the original “in case they quitt Us, Wee Still strengthen, etc."


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