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Other forms of name: Nova Scotia. Management Board (1979)
Nova Scotia. Policy Board (1979)
Nova Scotia. Priorities and Planning Committee (1994)
The Treasury Board was first established in 1909 as the finance committee of the Executive Council (Cabinet). Abolished in 1926, it was re-established in 1954. In 1968 it was again abolished and, in 1971, again re-established. The Treasury Board dealt with all matters relating to financial management, estimates, expenditures, financial commitments, terms of employment and classification of employees in the public service, organization of the public service and staff complement, and general administrative policy. By 1979 the scope and mandate of the Treasury Board had expanded so much that it was divided in two. The Policy Board was responsible for all matters relating to development and for recommending resource and social development policies for consideration by the Cabinet. Management Board was responsible for internal operations. It oversaw the budgeting process, reviewed departmental plans and priorities, monitored expenditure, and reviewed and evaluated new and existing programs. It was also responsible for the development and implementation of human resources policy, as well as management information systems. In 1994 Policy Board and Management Board were reunified in a single unit called the Priorities and Planning Secretariat. This committee of Cabinet dealt with all matters relating to the development and recommendation of policies and priorities for consideration by ministers; strategic planning throughout the public service; rationalization of government service delivery; coordinating the application of information technology to government service delivery; examining and reporting matters relating to the development, recommendation and execution of policies governing internal operations, including administrative, budgetary and human resources policy, together with reviews of plans, priorities and performance appraisal of departments, agencies, boards, commissions and crown corporations; and examining and reporting on all matters relating to the financial management, estimates, expenditure and financial commitments of government. In 2001 the powers of the committee were enlarged still further and it was renamed Treasury and Policy Board. It acted as the Cabinet's executive management committee and the chair of the board was ex officio a minister. In 2009 Treasury and Policy Board was divided into a Policy and Priorities Committee and a stand-alone Treasury Board.
Notes: Authority record based on Statutes of Nova Scotia: 1909 c. 3, 1926 c. 1, 1973 c. 49, 1978-79 c. 77, 1993 c. 38, 2001 c. 4, 2009 c. 14; Orders in Council: 18 Oct. 1954, 68-1089 (20 Dec. 1968), 71-273 (30 Mar. 1971).
see also Policy and Priorities Commitee
see also Treasury Board
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