Nova Scotia Archives

Colonel John Gorham’s Account Book

Results 151 to 165 of 182 from your search:

30 October 1749  page: 149

Distribution of goods. (Clothing). Some account transactions. List of individuals paid 1 shilling for going to Pizzaquid. Names recorded.

John Gorham Nova Scotia Archives 2013-014 page 149

13 November 1749  page: 150

Cash payments via Serg. Don for men working "at the point". Notation about" all paid… out of works except ….to those subsistence account." Names recorded.

John Gorham Nova Scotia Archives 2013-014 page 150

Halifax, 14 November 1749  page: 151

Distribution of goods. (Clothing). Names recorded. Also: "Account of sundrys bought ? Up from the point of Halifax this day, Dec 5 1749". It is a list of household goods and supplies.

John Gorham Nova Scotia Archives 2013-014 page 151

Halifax, 5 December 1749  page: 152

Materials sold? To Mr Chaddock at the point? (Canvas, pipes). Also account of goods bought by John Gorham from Benjamin Gerrish. (White yarn, hose, garlix ?. Halifax, Dec 2 1749,

John Gorham Nova Scotia Archives 2013-014 page 152

Halifax, 10 November 1749 

Continues list of materials bought of Benjamin Gerrish. Appears to be all clothing or materials except for knives. But also "2 pieces 3/4 garlix no.6"

John Gorham Nova Scotia Archives 2013-014

5 December 1749  page: 154

Pay receipts. Names recorded, marks made. Also noted as being posted. Payments in Stirling.

John Gorham Nova Scotia Archives 2013-014 page 154

5 December 1749  page: 155

Pay receipts. Names recorded, marks made. Also noted as being posted. Payments in Stirling.

John Gorham Nova Scotia Archives 2013-014 page 155

5 December 1749  page: 156

List of names receiving meat (goat or beef) and amounts. List of those paid wages; names recorded, marks made. Some distribution of clothing or fabric goods.

John Gorham Nova Scotia Archives 2013-014 page 156

5 December 1749  page: 157

Clothing distributed, names recorded. Also payments for wages: names recorded, marks made.

John Gorham Nova Scotia Archives 2013-014 page 157

Chebucto, 9 December 1749  page: 158

Gorham has bought rum and is paying to have it delivered to Pizzaquid. Receipt is signed by Jean Baptiste Landry.

John Gorham Nova Scotia Archives 2013-014 page 158

26 December 1749  page: 159

In a different hand accounts from "last march" at Pizzaquid. Mostly food supplies bought from named Acadians using French currency.

John Gorham Nova Scotia Archives 2013-014 page 159

2 January 1749  page: 160

Also list of goods bought of Benjamin Gerrish. One wage payment notes: "on account our work all brewing." Some distribution of goods as well.

John Gorham Nova Scotia Archives 2013-014 page 160

2 January 1749  page: 161

Distribution is all clothing.

John Gorham Nova Scotia Archives 2013-014 page 161

10 January 1749  page: 162

The Athorp invoice is related to sails and rigging.

John Gorham Nova Scotia Archives 2013-014 page 162

Head of Chebucto (Fort Sackville), 10 January 1749  page: 163

Some cash distribution recorded. When wages names recorded and marks made. "Linens gone to be washed." In a different hand distribution of meat, fish, fowl and goods.

John Gorham Nova Scotia Archives 2013-014 page 163

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