Nova Scotia Archives

The Eassons and the Hoyts

Two Hundred Years of Family and Community Life in Nova Scotia

Letter, William Saunders, Placentia, to John Easson

Saunders arrived on 2 May after only 18 days and a fine passage. Letter sent to "John Easson at Boston" by way of the David, going to New York for a cargo of bread flour. Saunders suggests Easson get a doctor's certificate that he is not well and send it to Mr. Grossard, so Easson can get his leave.  June 1774.  3 pages : 30 x 40 cm.   Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 A/90

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note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

          Placentia 2d June 1774
Dear Sir

          I Received your kind favour of the 2d April
which gave me much pleasure. I arrived here the
2d of May with a Very fine passage of Eighteen Days
never put aBout the whole passage until we came to
Point Vert. I never went such a passage my whole life.
such fine Winds & weather. Col. Gorham & family
went home in the David last fall by Letters from him
find he has done nothing for himself indeed his Labours
were very Romantick. I am sorry to tell you
[torn] we loss poor Mrs Butler last November & am
afraid poor Mrs Welsh will not live long as she is
in a very poor State of Health and Seems to be
going fast. My wife & Little Davy are very
well the Little fellow grows finely.
          I have spoke to Mr Grossard about your leave
Lemereur seems not inclined but if I was you
should not trouble myself about it only get a Docters
Certificate that I was not well & Send it here which
I am Sure must satisfie them. I write this by
the way of New York by the David wh[ich] goes
for a Cargoe of Bread & flower [flour]

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