Asking for information about the sloop Dove which is feared lost after four days at anchor off Green Point. Dyson and Easson are concered about insurance on the vessel, for which Hallowell was responsible. 15 February 1756. 4 pages : 30 x 51 cm. Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 A/47
note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions
Mr Hallowell Annap[olis] Roy[al] Febry 15th 1756
McNeils not Arriving leaves us very
much in the dark not having a line from You
and we fear he never will therefor must beg you
will by this Vessell send Us duplication of what you
wrote Us by that Vessell, all Communication has
been stopped this winter between Halifax and this
so as Yet have Rec’d no orders from Govr Lawrence
Concerning the wood for Chignectou, but we wrote
fully by the last express from this and expect ord[ers]
by the first Party which Cannot be long first
when we shall write to you More fully.
We have here by McKown’s a Report that
the sloop Dove is lost and they seen to point by the Carelessness
of the Master that she was seen for three or four
Days Riding at an Anchor off of Green Point
open to to the sea, so we suppose they was all
on shore When she was lost, but we hope she
was not upon our [Accounts?] at that Season of
the Year without being Insured as we Cannot
think but you would let by our Interests we
desired, In the first place when we send You
the Sloop by Davidson Please to look in ours
of 12 July where we say if she dos [does] not sell soon
and You should find any employment offer for
her that is worth while in These Busey [ busy ] times either for this Bay
or Halifax we leave it to you to employ her
that was expecting she would be let as a transport
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