from the Governor or Commander in Chief for the time being — and I am further to Signify to you, that it is the King's Intention, and I do Expect, they be treated by the Officers of Government with all Possible Mildness and Tenderness upon every occasion to the End that they may not have the least cause to repent of their having submitted in so ample a manner to his Majesty's Government.
Lt. Governor Francklin to Lt. Governor Carleton. †
Some few of the French Accadians who have refused to take the Oath of Allegiance to the King, are going into your Province, hoping to mix themselves, unnoticed, amongst the Canadians: and thereby to partake of the protection and benefits of Government without acknowledging their Sovereign. I therefore thought it necessary to give your Excellency this information, that such obstinate perseverance in withholding the allegiance due to the King, and so contrary to the example of the rest of those people, may be noticed, and treated in such manner as by your Excellency shall be judged most fit and proper.
Brigadier General Carleton,
Lieut. Governor of the Province of Quebec.
* Colonel Henry Denny Denson was one of the original proprietors of West Falmouth, where he resided for many years. He was for a short time Speaker of the House of Assembly in 1773. He left no male descendants in Nova Scotia. The place of his residence at Falmouth still bears the name of Mount Denson
† Afterwards Lord Dorchester.