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Governor Wilmot to Captain Williams.
HALIFAX, 2nd Decr., 1765.
Colonel Haldimand having applied to me for Leave to take the Accadians on St. John's Island to settle them on his Lands in the Province of Canada, I very readily give my consent for so good a purpose, as under his care and inspection, there's great Reason to hope that they will soon be brought over to their duty & Allegiance.
Colonel Haldimand's undertaking being a public good, in order to Enable him to succeed more Effectually, it will be necessary that the people shall be at Liberty to take with them a proportion of their Cattle and that they may build as many Shallops as may be sufficient to carry them up the River St. Lawrence.
I wouid likewise recommend that you would be pleased to allow the use of a firelock with some powder and shot to Each Family, that they be the better enabled to subsist themselves during the Winter, if there are any spare arms at Fort Amherst.
Extract from Dispatch — Lord Hillsborough to Lieut. Govr. Francklin. *
WHITEHALL, 26th Febry., 1768.
His Majesty was well pleased to find by your Letter No.3 that the Acadians have at length seen that their true interests lies in a due Submission to His Government, and have given
* Michael Francklin was a native of the South of England. He came to Halifax about the year 1752 and was engaged for many years in mercantile pursuits. He was elected a member of the House of Assembly in 1759, and appointed to His Majesty's Council on 3rd May, 1762. In 1766 he received the appointment of Lt. Governor of Nova Scotia, which he held until superseded by Admiral Arbuthnot on 27th Feb., 1776, when he again took his seat at the Council board. In this and the following year he was occupied in organizing the militia of the province and received the rank of Lt. Colonel. For several years before his death Mr. Francklin was Commissioner of Indian affairs for Nova Scotia. His exertions in support of British authority while administer-