Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


live in and about this Town, have so peremptorily refused to take the Oath of Allegiance, by the best information I can obtain of their purposes, they intend going directly to Cape François, from thence to the Mississippi and finally to the Country of the Illinois and there to make a settlement. Their design of going to Cape François they avow, and made application to me for transports and provisions for that voyage; so improper a demand merited the refusal they met with, which has obliged them to exert the means in their own power, and provide for their future designs at their own expence; for which they are sufficiently able, having amassed a considerable sum of money from the profits of their labour, purchased at a high price, during these four last years.

I have &c.      

M. WILMOT.      

The Right Hon.

      The Earl of Halifax, &c., &c.


Governor Wilmot to Lord Halifax.


HALIFAX, 18th Decr. 1764.      

My LORD, —

      I had the honor in my letter of the 9th of last month, to lay before your Lordship some further particulars of the disposition of the Acadians, after the Oath of Allegiance had been tender'd to them, and offers of a settlement in this Country.

      Since that time, no reasonable proposals being able to overcome their zeal for the French and aversion to the English government, many of them soon resolved to leave this Province; and having hired Vessels at their own Expence, six hundred persons including women and children, departed within these three weeks for the French West Indies, where, by the last information I have had, they are to settle for the cultivation of lands unfit for the sugar cane. And although they had certain accounts, that that climate had been fatal to the lives of several of their countrymen, who had gone there lately from Georgia and Carolina, their resolution was not to be shaken; and the remainder of them, amounting to as many more, in different parts of the Province have the same destination in view, when the Spring shall afford them convenience and opportunity.

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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