Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


my two former letters offered to your Lordship the measure of transporting them to some of the West India Islands. There cut off from the Continent, and from all hopes by the difficulty of returning (which was the most powerful influence and temptation employed on them by the french) they would content themselves with a settlement, especially if they were placed amongst those who were formerly french subjects, and who perhaps being contented with their Condition, would set them an example of cheerful obedience and submission.

      Your Lordship may be assured that I shall be strictly attentive to obviate any means which may be offered to seduce them from His Majesty's Government; but, I trust His Majesty's Ships employed in cruising in these coasts, will sufficiently overawe any such attempts, as well as effectually suppress illicit and contraband Trade. I must entreat that your Lordship's future dispatches to me, may be directed to the care of the Governor or Commander in Chief of New York; for by the negligence of the Post Masters, the public letters are suffered to lye in their Offices until many of them have been discovered by mere accident, which has happened to your Lordships last letter, and has prevented the receipt and answer of it for Six weeks at least.

I have, &c.,      

M. WILMOT.      

The Right Honble.

      The Earl of Halifax, &c., &c., &c.

(Memorandum. )


22nd March, 1764.      

      The number of Families of French Acadians still remaining in the different parts of this Province,

Families.No. of Persons.
At Halifax and the Environs,2321056
King's County, Fort Edward, 77227
Annapolis Royal, 2391
Fort Cumberland, 73388


      In addition to the above, there are 300 on the Island of St. John, who have lately, in a solemn manner, declared the same intentions as those above mentioned to the officer there in command.

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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