Encouragement from The Court of France, either by the Means of private Intrigue, or publick Interposition.
I am with great Truth and Regard,
Governor Wilmot to Lord Halifax.
HALIFAX, 22nd March, 1764.
Your Lordship's letter of 26th of November, respecting the Acadians, and the disposal of them, I had the honour of receiving on the 18th of this month, and I take the earliest opportunity of laying before your Lordships, the fullest information I can obtain in the several points referred to me, on that subject.
On enquiry into the reasons on which the Settlement of those people in Canada was laid aside, I do not discover that this measure had ever been proposed to this Government, except by General Murray, And that seems to relate only to the Acadians, who were then residing in the more northern parts of the Province beyond the Isthmus, who were but few in number, in respect of those in the other parts, particularly at Halifax; but no steps could have been taken towards the execution of this design, but by Orders of General Amherst, As these people from having been in arms against the Government, were treated as prisoners of war, and fell under the immediate inspection of the Officer commanding the Troops here, who received all orders relating to them from Sir Jeffery Amherst; but it does not appear that Sir Jeffery had communicated any such intentions, either to the civil or Military department in this Province. The Government here was certainly at all times very apprehensive of these people, and would have cheerfully concurred in any measure to be freed from them; and in the summer of 1762, when the French were in possession of St. John's in Newfoundland, their further intentions unknown, and but a small body of Troops in this Province, the Acadians, from their hopes of seeing a descent made on it, were so menacing in their behaviour, and so active in spiriting up the Indians, that, by a resolution of a council of War, and the vote of the General Assembly then sitting,