Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


able to what appears to be the sentiments of General Amherst in his letter to the Lt. Govr. Entered upon the minutes of Council.


Secretary Bulkeley to Joshua Winslow.

(Letter Book.)

HALIFAX, 22 February, 1763.      

SIR, —

      The Lieutenant Governor desires that the inclos'd may be transmitted to you, setting forth a Complaint against some of the inhabitants who have unjustly withheld what was due to the Acadians. If these people do not immediately discharge their debts due on this Occasion, Colonel Forster will forbid their working for the future, and the Lieutenant Governor desires that the names of the persons so indebted may be transmitted to him that proper measures may be taken to prevent such injustice for the future.

I am &c.      


To Joshua Winslow, Esq.,

      at Fort Cumberland.


Extracts from Minutes of a Council holden at Halifax on Tuesday, the 5th July, 1763.

      The Lieutenant Governor laid before the Council a Letter from Mr. Henry Green dated at Fort Frederick on St. John's River, setting forth that many of the Acadians had taken possession of Lands on that River, and had disputed the possession with several English Settlers, and behaved in many respects with Insolence.

      And at the same time the Lieutenant Governor acquainted the Council that he had the Opinion of the Lords of Trade against the general removal of the Acadians from this Province.


Extract fron a Letter of the Earl of Halifax to Montague Wilmot, Governor of Nova Scotia.

ST. JAMES'S, Novr. 26th, 1763.      

      Having lately received, and laid before The King, a Letter from Jonathan Belcher, Esq., of the 25th of August,

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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