When I receive, my Lords, General Amherst's sentiments upon the procedure of the Massachusetts in contradiction to his indisputable right of disposing of all prisoners of War, in any part of His Majesty's Dominions, I shall repeat my humble Addresses to your Lordships and His Majesty's Secretary of State, with such further intelligence as may appear to be necessary for finally deciding upon a subject so interesting to His Majesty’s future Service in the Province. As the General, my Lords, did so fully approve the removal of these Acadians as Prisoners of War, I flatter myself, that His Excellency will not object to the payment of their transportation, in the Military method, by Bills and Certificates on the Navy Board, to save the trouble of any applications to Parliament.
for Trade and Plantations.
Extract from the Minutes of the Proceedings of the Lords Commissioners of Trade and Plantations.
Their Lordships upon consideration of that part of Mr. Belchers letter of 26th October 1762, which relates to the removal of the Acadians, were of opinion that the whole of this measure both in respect to the refusal of the Gov. of Massachusetts Bay to admit the said Acadians into that province, and to the future disposition of them is entirely within the department of the Secretary of State for such directions as he shall think proper to give. Their Lordships, however could not but be of opinion, that however expedient it might have been to have removed them at a time when the Enterprizes of the Enemy threatened danger to the province, and it was weakened by the Employment of great part of the troops stationed there upon another service, yet as that danger is now over and hostilities between the two nations have ceased, it was neither necessary nor politic to remove them, as they might, by a proper disposition, promote the interest of the Colony and be made useful membes of Society agree-