warding them, I must beg the favor you will send them by the first occasion that may offer. * * *
Honble Lt. Govr. Belcher.
Indorsed — Recd. by inclosure from Mr. Hancock 18 Sept. 1762. Answered 22 Octr.
Extract of the first two paragraphs respecting the Acadians sent to the Earl of Egremont and Lords of Trade, 18 Oct., 1762, by the Minerva Frigate. Do. sent Do. in Duplicate letters 18 Oct. by —
Extract from two first paragraphs sent to Lds. of Trade 7 Sept. 1762 by Cap Brett.
Extract from Governor Belcher's Letter to Sir Jeffery Amherst, dated 12th August, 1762.
I shall give orders to the transports to proceed to Boston & there remain with the people on board, until they receive your Excy's directions for the disposal of them, & that they may lye in that Harbour under the Command of the Castle until that time, as they are treated as prisoners, I presume it may be indifferent in what part of the King's dominions they are detained, provided they are much inferior in number to the Inhabitants whose superiority may keep them in awe, & I would hope, that this measure can little interfere with your Excellency's views of settling some of the Acadians in the Upper parts of Canada, as General Murray informed in his letter of 20 September last.
At a Council holden at Halifax on Monday the 18th October 1762.
The Honble. the Lieutenant Governor.
The Honble. Jno. Collier, Councilor
Richd. Bulkeley, Councilor
Michl. Francklin, Councilor
The following Report of the Committee appointed on Tues