Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


      “ The Settlements in the beginning must not be permitted to be disturbed, but must be protected with great Care, that no Terror may creep in amongst them, and frighten the People from their Townships.  
      “ Colonel Forster shall have my directions to have a particular regard to the Quiet and Safety of the new Settlers, in furnishing any Troops that may be wanted for that purpose.  
I am with great regard, Sir,      
Your most obedient humble Servant,      


      Mr. President Belcher.  
      The Lieutenant Governor also informed the Council that in consequence of General Amherst's first Letter, dated the 22d March 1761, he had wrote to their Lordships of the Board of Trade on the Subject of the removal of the Acadians out of this Province, in answer to which they had informed him that it appeared to them to be a very untoward Circumstance, in the present State of the Province, but that as the Subject was in the Department of His Majesty's Secretary of State, their Lordships referred the Lieutenent Governor for directions from the Secretary of State, to whom Copies were transmitted by their Lordships of such of the Lieutenant Governor's Letters, and the Papers received with them, as related to that Subject.  
      The Council having taken the same into Consideration and having referred to the Minutes of Council of the 20th February 1761, the 22d March 1762, and the 17th May 1762, relative to the said Acadians in this Province were unanimously of Opinion, that the said Acadian Prisoners, upon their ArrivaI at Boston, should be still detained in Custody, to be disposed of as General Amherst should think proper to direct.  
      JNO. DUPORT, Sec: Con:


Sir Jeffery Amherst to Governor Belcher.

NEW YORK, 30th August, 1762.      

SIR, —
      By an Express from Boston I was last night favored with your Letter of the 12th Instant, and its several enclosures; And at the same time learn from Mr. Hancock that Five Transports, with Accadians, were arrived at that place.  

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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