Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


      At a Council holden at Halifax on Monday the 22d March 1762.


The Honble. the Lieutenant Governor.

The Honble. Jno. Collier, Councilor

      Chas. Morris, Councilor

      Richd. Bulkeley, Councilor

      Alexr. Grant, Councilor

      Edmd. Crawley, Councilor

      Hen. Newton, Councilor

      The Lieutenant Governor communicated to the Council the following Letter from Brigadier General Murray Governor of Quebec —

“ QUEBEC, 20th Sept. 1761.      

SIR, —

      “ Having had General Amherst's Directions for that purpose, I sent some time ago a Person to Ristigouche to take an account of the number of Acadians there, as also of those dispersed in the different Bays of that part of the Country.

      “ By his Report, I find the number considerably less than I imagined, and that many of them have departed from thence to Beausejour and Louisbourg, owing it may be supposed, to the Countenance and favour they meet with there.

      “ As this is diametrically opposite to General Amherst's Views and the orders he has given to bring them up, in order to their being settled somewhere in the upper parts of Canada, least the Government should be put to an extraordinary needless Expence, I am to request you will let me know, by the way of the Lakes, whether you propose settling again in Nova Scotia, for in that case it will be unnecessary to send for them, as I propose the Instant the Season will permit their Removal next year, the present one being too far advanced to effect the same immediately.

      “ You must know best the Consequences of settling them among you: the measure indeed does not appear to me so eligible as the very spot must renew to them, in all succeeding Generations, the Miseries the present one has endured, and will perhaps alienate for ever their affections from its Government however just and Equitable it may be.”

I am with regard,      


Your most obedt. & most humble servt.      

Jn. Belcher Esq.
JA : MURRAY."      

      Lieut. Gov. of Nova Scotia.

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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