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Extract from Minutes of a Council holden at Halifax on Tuesday, the 5th August, 1760.
His Excellency also communicated to the Council, a Letter he had received from Colonel Frye, the Commanding Officer at Fort Cumberland, acquainting him that there were between three and four hundred of the French Inhabitants assembled at that Fort, who had submitted themselves to be disposed of at the Pleasure of the Government; also that he was in daily Expectation of receiving Proposals of the like Submission from near seven hundred more who were now at Ristigoush: His Excellency therefore desired the Advice of the Council in regard to the disposal of these People.
The Council having taken the same into Consideration, did Advise that His Excellency would be pleased to Take up Vessels to Transport such of those Inhabitants to Halifax, as were not able to Travel by Land: in order to their being disposed of, as may hereafter be thought proper.
At a Council holden at the President's House in Halifax on Fryday, the 20th February, 1761.
The Honble. Jonathan Belcher, Esq., President,
Richd. Bulkeley, Councilor
* * * * The President having communicated to the Council, a Paragraph of a Letter from His Excellency Major General Amherst to Colonel Forster, bearing date the 17th of January last, recommending the Continuation of the French Accadians in this Province, the Council proceeded to take the same into Consideration, together with the order of His Majesty in Council of the 16th February 1760, and the Law of the Province relating to the French Accadians, and also the opinion of the Council of the 10th March 1760, in consequence of a Letter laid before them by the late Governor from Gene-