Spring, when further measures may be taken in regard of them, their Submission to the pleasure of the Government should be accepted, provided that they deliver up their Arms; and the Council were likewise of opinion that they be assisted with so much Provisions as shall appear absolutely necessary for their Sustenance, upon their giving Hostages for their Appearance in the Spring.
At a Council holden at Halifax on Monday the 10th March, 1760.
His Excellency the Governor,
Jon'n. Belcher, Councilor
Richd. Bulkeley, Councilor
* * * * His Excellency also communicated an Extract of a Letter he had received from General Amherst, in which the General approves of the measures of bringing away the French Inhabitants from St. John's River. and advises His Excellency to send them away to Europe as Prisoners of War, as soon as possible. His Excellency also acquainted the Council that he was informed from Fort Cumberland, that the number of French Inhabitants that might be collected there, would amount to near Twelve hundred Men: and that as he apprehended that these People are upon the same footing with those of St. John's, he desired the Advice of the Council whether it would not be proper to Take up Transports to send away the whole.
The Council having taken the same into Consideration, were of opinion that such a measure would be extreamly proper and seemed to be absolutely necessary, in order to facilitate the Settlement of the evacuated Lands by the Persons who are coming from the Continent for that purpose; who otherwise would be always liable to be obstructed in their Progress, by the Incursions of these french Inhabitants: whereas, on the contrary, if they are removed out of the Province, the Settlers will remain in perfect Security, as the Indians are unanimously inclined to Peace, and Treaties are already made with several of the Tribes.