Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


      At a Council holden at the Governor's House in Halifax on Fryday the 30th Novr. 1759.  


His Excellency the Governor.

      Jon'n. Belcher, Councilor  
      Jno. Collier, Councilor  
      Chas. Morris, Councilor  
      Richd Bulkeley,* Councilor  
      Thos. Saul, Councilor  
      Jos. Gerrish, Councilor  
      His Excellency communicated to the Council Letters which he had received "from Coll. Arbuthnot Commanding Officer at Fort Frederick in the River St. John's acquainting him that about Two hundred Inhabitants, as they call themselves, of that Country with Two Priests, Pere Germain, Jesuit, and Pere Coquarte, had come down the River since the Reduction of Quebec, producing Certificates signed by Captain Cramahé, Deputy Judge Advocate at Quebec, of their having Taken the Oath of Allegiance to His Britannick Majesty, and in consequence thereof that Brigadier Monckton had given them leave to Return to their Habitations. That on their Arrival they presented themselves to him, begging leave to be suffered to remain upon their Lands on their Promise to be faithful and true to His Majesty's Government; to which, he told them, he"

    * The Hon. Richard Bulkeley accompanied Govr. Cornwallis to Nova Scotia as A.D.C. in 1749. He became Secretary of the province about the year 1759, and continued to fill that important office, under thirteen successive Governors, until the year 1793, when he was permitted to resign in favour of his son, Michael Freke Bulkeley. He was appointed a member of Council in 1759, and administered the Government of the Province as senior Councillor on the death of Governor Parr, in 1791. Mr. B. held also several other offices of trust. He had been twice married; his first wife was a daughter of Capt. John Rous, R.N.; she died in Jany. 1775. His eldest and youngest sons both died in Jamaica; his son Freke, who succeeded him as Provincial Secretary, and was also a member of the Assembly for the County of Halifax, died suddenly in 1796, at an early age. Mr. Bulkeley died on 7th Decr., 1800, at the age af 83, beloved and respected by all classes throughout the province. He left a widow and one son; the latter then residing in England. At his death he held the offices of Judge of the Admiralty, Grand Master of the Freemasons, and Brigadier General of Militia, — a rank never since conferred upon any Militia officer in Nova Scotia. He maintained a character for uprightness and ability throughout his long career, and having outlived all his contemporaries, he had for years been esteemed the father of the Province. The old stone house, formerly the residence of the late Hon. H. H. Cogswell, at the corner of Prince and Argyle Streets, was built by Mr. Bulkeley; he resided there at the time of his death. His Escutcheon is in the West Gallery of St. Paul's Church, Halifax. — N.S. Council Books. Halifax Gazette, 1796 and 1800.

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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